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A member registered Sep 28, 2020

Recent community posts

Question, why there's no Android version of Demo?

Just looked at pictures, and I can already see that Orihime got nerfed, when have time please, make her chest canonically big

Welp, guys the dev disappeared, twitter account doesn't exist and patreon haven't been updated since 2023 so I guess this ia the end of game

Understandable, have a good day

Ok a question, why Mei is called Yun? 

What did I miss?

Wdym abandoned? Dev posted progress on patreon a few days ago

It doesn't work in Joiplay

What kind of ntr? The one where our girl is stolen, or where MC steals someone's girl? 

If the second one, I dont mind as long as their boyfriend is a "not a very good person" so we can help them

JoiPlay, in your service


will there be next update? Or is this the End ?

No more updates?

Oh, its that game where Animation didn't appear on android via joiplay, maybe compress it or something? Maybe make an android version?

Hello? Is it alive?

Maybe make an android version

(1 edit)

Ok I found the reason, it's Red queen animated scene, maybe because its big an laggy it doesn't appear, basically that scene needs more polishing and optimization, other scenes are smooth except Red queen scenes

ver 0.25 played via joiplay, sex scene doesnt appears only black screen, even though it didn't happened before on older version, any idea what might be the cause?

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I read the description of game, but I don't get it who MC is, Male, futa or female? Or MC doesn't exist?

I have some questions

#1 what happened to your patreon 

#2: why discord server is empty?

Why says that it was updated 2 months ago when its not?

Is there any way to see scenes with mom? And I hope it's not Tenzu

Are old saves compatible with newer versions?

(2 edits)

I bet that next update will be in August

Got an idea, you wanted to implement futa content right? How about making a choice at the start of the game where you can choose to be either a futa or a guy, if you choose futa, you will actually start as a girl, and then after meeting Laura you become a futa, how about that?

You need to get a code, and enter it through computer

THERE IS ALREADY 0.06!? Isn't it too fast?

Found a funny bug that allows me to buy already bought upgrades

How do I get to orc woman? I can't find a way

Does anyone know where the perks button is? Because I don't see it

Jesus, Optimization in this game is terrible, and textures doesn't load

for some reason when I launch the game I get this error, it wasn't there before and I don't know why, I even re installed the game

So, its not porn game?

Will there be android version?

I'm curious, when the patreon version becomes public version, is something changes in that version or no?


The king himself finally dropped the update, you also dropped this  👑

Let's think about that like, he is Mr. beast's distant cousin from different universe

Why our hero looks like Mr. Beast? 

Or I'm just tired?