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A member registered Jan 19, 2020 · View creator page →

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i really like this. i like how you took a ball pushing game and made it about hamsters. it makes the concept 10x more enjoyable.  i got excited when i saw the hamsters rolling. im not really sure what the horn is meant to do. but i found that if i hold down a button, the sound loops and the hamsters go mad! the pop sound was very satisfying. also good difficulty was present when hamsters were on the edge of the map and my push radius increased. getting hamsters in the house with sick combos was awesome. some animations or music would have been appreciated, but this game stands up on its own. great work, fun relaxing game!

i like the pig model and the story behind it. very funny. the gameplay was surprisingly difficult because of the movement system. and the lack of screen wrapping. i felt very forced to keep the pig on screen at all times. i found hitting the cows at certain angles was hard as i couldnt tell where the collision should take place. i think i got to 20 seconds. displaying a high score would be useful.  i had fun. great job!

i had trouble reading the font and apparently im not a fast typer whitout looking at the keyboard so i found it impossible to beat. but i did like the creepy feel of the game.  it works. it's good. but it's just not my cup of tea.

i dont even remember how to play fnaf. so idk how this stacks up. nice minimalistic graphics.

the music is rad. i found the best strategy is to just hoard toilets in the corner and all over the floor. when the "none chad" appears i just hit him once and he trips and dies on my toilet hoard.  

i was confused about how to play from start to finish. i think i was supposed to not get a negative score? the character disappeared when i hit one of the walls. when i lost control, it honestly made me laugh, so thank you for the good times. although the game is broken, i liked the style. the short background music looping is a little grating but matches the rest of the game i think.

i had trouble playing the game in browser. could be my computer or connection idk. the sounds and sprites would cut out and disappear. i didnt find it to be particularly challenging but i did find it somewhat relaxing. i enjoyed the idea here and i had fun. keep up the good work.

I like the little ducky and the water ripples. that was a nice touch. the music and the sound effects are superb! controls felt very natural. took me 2 tries to beat it. i felt the pressure for sure. overall a decent game. several years ago, i would have played this for hours. the style sort of reminds me of "stranger danger" and atari 2600 games.  i would love to see more games like this. a rare gem.
great work!

wow! This is great! I tried making a game like this once, but the execution here is brilliant. Well done! yes, the menu could use some work, but who cares when the game itself is fantastic? Bravo!

Hi SteveGamer! Thank you for taking an interest in my game. I appreciate your feedback, and will make an effort to make appropriate corrections to the game in the future.  Also, I'd like to share some thoughts that I have at this time in response to your suggestions.
1. I would like to make the screen bigger, so thank you for that suggestion. I was worried during development that the text would be hard to read despite resolution issues that may arise with an increase in screen port size.
2. Although I am a musician myself, I find it extremely difficult to add fitting music to a game. perhaps with some research and writing exercises, I can remedy this problem. I often add sound effects to my games at the very least. In seawolf apex predator, the production felt very rushed, so need less to say, I was pressured to only include core necessity game features.

3. I had feared when I configured the controls, that some players would have no numb pad (with no certainty). I'm glad you brought this issue to my attention, as Beefy Beef Games will no longer include numb pad controls in its games for this reason. 

I apologize that you werent able to enjoy the full features of the game. I can recommend some of my other games to you, as well as the next version of seawolf apex predator once it is released.

Sincerely, Beefy Beef Games :)