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Ellen W.

A member registered Feb 03, 2022 · View creator page →

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I'm really happy you enjoyed the writing! It was a ton of fun to write. I'll be sure to let the team know about these issues you encountered, and we'd like to improve it when we can. Thanks for playing and commenting!

Thank you for playing!

Thank you for playing and enjoying it! We appreciate the feedback and would definitely like to return to this to polish it.

(1 edit)

Hiya, Florisam! Thanks so much for checking out the game and supporting it. We're currently ironing out the demo to make sure everyone can have a great experience and see the cast of characters. We really appreciate your honesty, and hope to see you back for an improved demo.

Hiya! We're so glad you enjoyed the demo so far, it's been great so far developing it with the team. I hope you enjoy Vitus' story as it develops. If you'd like to keep up with us on another platform, we actually just started up a Tumblr page to update once our demo is ironed out. Thanks for commenting <3 

Hi! Sorry  I didn't see this since the jam was underway. I already found a team! thanks though.

Cool! Just added you.

Hi, thanks for showing interest! I've been listening to your stuff on Spotify and Bandcamp and it all sounds really wonderful. Do you have a Discord?

Hi there!

I'm a writer in a team with an artist and programmer, and we would love to get a sound designer on board with our project. This would be my second Game Jam, and with my previous project I worked on a mystery game with branching narratives and multiple endings which you can play here if interested:


I have also written two Twine games over the past few years which you can play here:

https://philome.la/hopelessdoodle/surviving-in-moondust/play/index.html https://philome.la/hopelessdoodle/the-highway/play/index.html

We have a full story with an introduction and three acts in mind with four love interests for the player to interact with. This might be fairly large scale to complete in a month, but we could complete a demo for the month with Act 1 and continue development after NaNoRenO if you're interested in the project on a long term basis. 

This VN will be set in the modern-day with some magical and supernatural elements, and obviously, it will have elements of romance as the main theme. If this sounds like something up your alley then please reply to this thread and let me know!

Hi there,

I posted earlier advertising my availability as a writer that details my idea and my goals for the jam. Let me know what you think:


Hey, no problem! Good luck on your project :D

(1 edit)

Hi! I can see you've paired up with an artist above. I was wondering if you guys are still looking for a writer? I made a post on this topic page if you'd like to read more about my idea. But, please let me know what you think. Thanks!

Hi there,

Thanks for your interest but I am very unfamiliar with Scratch and am looking for someone who may be more familiar with a VN engine! Thank you for reaching out regardless.

(1 edit)

Hi there!

I'm a writer looking for a team for this game jam to help bring my vision for a VN Dating Sim to life. This would be my second Game Jam, and with my previous project I worked on a mystery game with branching narratives and multiple endings which you can play here if interested:


I have also written two Twine games over the past few years which you can play here:


Ideally, I would like to work with a team that has a programmer who is familiar with Ren'py or a similar programme and an artist at the very least. Any other members skilled in sound design and UI would be very welcome too! I have a full story with an introduction and three acts in mind with four love interests for the player to interact with. This might be fairly large scale to complete in a month, but we could complete a demo for the month with Act 1 and continue development after NaNoRenO if you're interested in the project!

Please feel free to reply with interest: let's get a team together and make something fun!

EDIT: Programmer has been found! Would love to get an artist and sound designer on board if possible.