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A member registered Jun 14, 2020 · View creator page →

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Very impressive sound design and visiuals, the gameplay was fun but could get a little frustrating at times as it was often hard to see the incoming nodes before it's too late. As other people have already mentioned, this is a great start for a nice mobile game!

Awesome graphics and pretty fun gameplay, I imagine a score counter would benefit this game greatly, make it so that the more enemies you chain through give  combo multiplier with some littel flashy effect and this game would be even greater! good job!

Awesome use of mechanics and a banger of a soundtrack, I would love to see this expanded with more levels

Very creative puzzle game, it's not like anything I've seen before! I'm gonna come back to this

Good job! as others have mentioned it's easy to fly through the levels in fly form, but I think this game has is a good concept. I think another thing that can be improved is extending the enviorment outwards a bit more, as the camera usually saw out the edges. The Camera movement is super smooth and really makes the flying feel great!

Surprisingly fun!

The art is amazing, sadly, the emotions don't seem to activate when used, I can't seem to get past the first level because of it