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A member registered Dec 20, 2019

Recent community posts

FANTASTIC game! So much fun.

As a fellow girl with horns I love these so much!!!

This is excellent! Interesting and tricky. I would play this on switch all day.

It was gorgeous and I am excited to check out more of your stuff :) and super readable! Felt easy and fun to navigate

Wow! Super engaging game. I liked the music, loved the art (especially the little character and how they jump and land in a little poof) and enjoyed the challenge. Just enough to make me die (a lot) but not so much I was chewing on my keyboard. The gravity mechanics were really well used, and how fast you respawn really kept me in it. Excellent work!

This is so fucking COOOOL

Ahhhh! I have been waiting for a second chapter to this, LOVE it :)

Hey this kicks so much ass I love it!

SO excited!!!

SO cute! I love the little cultural details sprinkled throughout, especially the food up north, dietary stuff, and the little 'find your bride' wedding ceremony. Really lovely read <3

Yay new Lancer stuff!!!! :D

So excited to check this out! Big fan of those fast paced FPS games and I love the presentation you did for this :)

Excited to use these! Thanks

Gah I am sorry I am mixing up my favorite supplement names! And one of my players is even playing a NHP with your rules. I LOVED Legionnaire so much, very very excited to see what you are working on with Massif!!! (Love Stolen Crown as well :D)

Yay! I love Stolen Crown, really excited to see more lancer stuff from you :)

Wow wow wow this is awesome! Super hot. Love the illustrations. I will for sure check out more of your stuff!

This looks super cool, really excited to give it a read later :)