Recent community posts
Dear fellow Narrow one Players,
It was a pleasure to play with all of you, but many of you noticed i have not joined in a long time, i'm afraid it is time to part, i will leave narrow one in peace... away from chaos, which I brang, i will no longer be on narrow one or itch io, or if you know my discord i will no longer be beestorm yt, which i was know for 2 years. Jesper I am very sorry i hacked, i learnt my lesson, Jesper you are the smartest person in the world, your game is 1000x better than fortnite or any game, i just wish if i could play, but like far lands said i have to move on
Yours Sincerly,
Beestorm/Sujan, slave of m8m6/narrow one, pain of narrow one
betty here is the link for th epic https://www.transfernow.net/dl/beestormtch_23-33333
doctype here is my cheat code for the client i created and no one will know what app i use cuz its a secrect
// ==UserScript==
// @name A|v2.0 Narrow.One Admin Panel Obfuscated
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 2.0
// @description Simple Narrow.one Admin Panel(Easter egg located in menu)
// @author You
// @include *://narrow.one/*
// @run-at document-body
// @grant unsafeWindow
// @connect https://narrow.one/
// @connect https://x-blocker.glitch.me/
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @require https://pastes.io/raw/yqgiaq7sf1
// @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=narrow.one
// ==/UserScript==