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A member registered Mar 21, 2024

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He was trying to take advantage of your obvious natural gift for thinking in abstract dimensions. Very specifically he was asking you to model elements of quantum mechanics that are notoriously hard to simulate on anything less than a bank of supercomputers at present. I felt offended ON your behalf. I forget what the x-prize for such a thing is, but it's a hefty chunk of probably 50K-250k.
If you're between projects have any interest in working on a slightly more complex game? More complicated playstyle wise, not concept wise. Pretty obvious you're working a few notches above my antique brain on the conceptual level.  I've got a hum=dinger of an idea but i'm absolute shit as a coder.  I'd be willing to split the take with you 50/50 as long as it remained just you & I working on it. If someone else came on board by mutual agreement it'd have to be split three ways, OFC. But it's basically a straightforward mechanic that I suspect will do quite well. I'd love to talk to you about it, presuming you'd agree to a Do Not Disclose/Non-disclosure agreement so i don't get screwed myself. I've given up way too many good ideas for other people to run off & profit off them over the years. 

Rather obscure angle to take an interest in. What prompted 4th dimensional modeling interest? Might make for a fantastic 'zen' render if it could be tricked into continuous generation with butterfly effect variables. Fantastic work, kid. You'll go far. 

(1 edit)

Not asking for much, was he? He was only asking you to to model aspects of quark-gluon interaction for a thousand bucks when I believe there's some enormous cash prize for someone who can pull it off in lower power computing environments. Wise of you to decline. A thousand bucks for what he would no doubt immediately claim credit & the big prize on IF you pulled it off. You're much more polite than I would be in such a circumstance. Wish I could remember where I saw the contest at, but it was some time ago now.