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The B.E Grove

A member registered Jul 20, 2021 · View creator page →

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We're working on an update that will make it more consistently reliable across all Android devices (currently issues seem to be device specific which is infuriating and hard to tech support).

Welcome aboard and thanks for the support, I really appreciate it man!

The Android version has given me plenty of grief but working on a more stable solution.

First time I have been asked that, its not currently on the to do list but perhaps one day.

There will be. I don't have a date confirmed yet but yes, I will release one this year.

Thanks gtswatch, I don 't do a lot of shrinking but it was a great addition to The Pill I think. 

Whenever we do an update for any of our games we release it for PC, Mac and Android at the same time so all platforms have the same version. The Android public release of the game is the same version as the PC and Mac versions. 

There is a newer version exclusively available to patrons (which is released on all platforms)

I'm assuming that you are using Android here. The game is designed to be played landscape so it should rotate for you. Try launching the game with your device already rotated and see if that works. 

Not exactly sure what you mean by that. For every game update we include an Android version. It does seem to be the most challenging of the builds (we got a lot fewer bug reports for Mac and PC) which is why its listed as experimental but its there and where bug fixes are possible we release them. 

Alas it really does seem to depend on which Android device you have whether or not it works, especially with Android 14. We don't know why as neither myself or my wife can recreate the errors on our Android devices. 

I've done the best to fix that bug in newer versions of the game, playing the animations does appear to be the biggest issue with the Android version. I am working on a better solution for future updates.

We're working on it but its going to take time and I don't want to make any promises. But we are definitely working on a solution.

Unfortunately it does appear that the latest version of Android does struggle with the free version of the game. The paid version has a bit more luck but I have to be honest and say its not guaranteed. 

What version of Android does it use?

Thanks barrenhalfheart that would have been my advice as well. I hope it worked for you Sherpy.

Not at all. The game story is focused on three women and their exploration of expansion with another (the player) which in depictions of sex is described as a man. 

Glad you got that sorted. 

Some Android devices have had that issue unfortunately and its not predictable which devices it will be. I'm looking into getting it not to do that but its still a work in progress. 

That looks to me like it hasn't rotated on your phone, the game is definitely designed to be played landscape. 

Thanks for flagging. I do know there are some devices that its incompatible with, I try where I can to fix that but its not always possible with Android. 

There is some belly expansion in Chapter 5 (which is still currently a patreon exclusive).

I am planning on another public release I just haven't finalized when. The free version will be released here first!

You can grab an android version on my website here - it is still listed as experimental but you are welcome to try.

There is an android version (grab it on my website here) but its still experimental. As different devices seem to find different issues I can't guarantee it will work for people which is why I haven't put the link properly in the game listing.

It should be but I'll double check to make sure I didn't miss anything. Thanks for flagging.

Fair point. We will release a full walkthrough for a later version of the game soon to help with that. Just in the final stages of checking to make sure my guide is correct and easy to follow.

If you go into the achievements section of the game via the main menu it should show you what you have or don't have (endings and achievements). There are a lot of endings/achievements and that is currently the simplest way I have to show you what you've collected. 

We do have an Android version but its not particularly stable so haven't shared it here.  If you want to risk it you can get it on my website 

The files are huge so something like mega is the best way I've found to share the files with most people. If you're having an issue DM me and I'll see what I can do.

There is some belly inflation in Chapter 4 and in the latest Patreon version there is also some in Chapter 5. 

Thanks for the welcome! 

Sounds like a fantastic idea, definitely be interested in getting involved.

Its been a long time and a lot of updates. Enjoy the newer version!


There is some muscle growth in the game - specifically in the Trish and Luca chapters.