Mofu will work on this problem soon. ^^
This is amazing! Great job Lip! <3
It was way harder in earlier stages
Probably that will included in a future update. For now there's nothing there.
I dont see what's wrong with the hedgehogs nor with the new girl :o
I think its good enough here. Mofu check the comments everyday.
Also Those bugs you mentiond already has been reported. So it will be fixed in the next update ^^
But thanks for the reports anyway! Enjoy the game
Dont push yourself too hard tho. You need to rest sometimes as well! <3
I think its good as it is. Yes you take the damage sometimes. But consider it that the bosses were much harder in early updates.
The bosses were even harder at the game early stages. Now they're pretty easy compared to those.
A few missed translations or however should i call it doesnt ruin the fact that its a great game in general! ^^
Download the files from here or from Mofu's Fanbox. Then all you have to do is just unzip the rar file.
Then you should be good to go.
You cant do anything other then that for now. You have to wait for future updates! ^^