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A member registered Sep 09, 2017

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Hey Jamie,

I was looking for somebody with your talent and skillset, in case you have discord, please PM me: Virgil#2759

(4 edits)

Hey guys,  we're a team of artists who is searching for a programmer to join us and work together on a already started IP.

If you are an experienced Unreal engine 4 programmer who loves horror shooters and has a twisted sence of humour, then we're the right team for you. We are professionals who love a lighthearted environment and above all passion and a constant pursuit to make the best possible  horrifying games out there. 

Some of the requisites we are searching for are:

  1. 3+ years of programming with Unreal engine 4 and mathematical skills
  2. Experience with previous games either personal or school related prototypes and or titles
  3. Passion to make the best games possible and especially have fun
  4. Team player and good communication skills in english
  5. A strong will to Learn and Grow

Even if you do not have any or some of these skills and still want to work with us, just add me and send me a dm, let's have a chat and some fun: 
Bellini Virgil#2759

Details about the project will be disclosed during the conversation, small spoiler, it's a cosmic horror experience

I wish you all a nice day and take care of yourselves, seeing the virus situation

Update: The positions have been filled, thank you very much guys!

Hey man, I have a neat little project I'm working on, and needed somebody to create some tools with, here's my discord: Bellini Virgil#2759 if you're interested even for a chat