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Ben Binturong (ビントロングのベン)❤️🖤🤍💚 🍉❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

A member registered Dec 16, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the support. We’re doing our well and our best so far. Hello from a faraway tropical country, Malaysia :3

No explicit nudity/sex shown in this VN.

But hey, no worries. Thanks for checking Cienie out.

Yea that’s what I mean when I said glossary explorer. No plan for that yet (though I’ve been thinking about it). If we do get a substantial amount of people wanting it, then yes, I’ll rack my brain up to come with the UI.

(flashbacks to the 3 days of working on the pronunciation guide pop-up non-stop)

We’re adding CGs, BGs and overlay images gallery in this coming build.

No plan to work on a sprite/glossary explorer yet.

finally, the hours spent fiddling with effects on soundtrap paid off.

glad you’re enjoying the music ^^

No problem. As long as you’re enjoying the VN, that’s what matters.

Yeah the UI does give it avery old skool vibe.

We’re happy too. We hope that people remember Cienie for its merits and quality other than anything else.

Condolences??? Sounded like one of us just passed away T..T


But no worries, as long as I’m alive, I wanna keep Cienie going until it concludes. Thanks for your concern ^^

(1 edit)

Glad that you’re enjoying it so far. There’ll defo be more revealing plots in future builds

Hey Hiriko,

Yes, I’m glad that you like Raymond. It’s our intention to have a proud rep for the ASEAN gang.

We’re doing fine now. Working on the next build as usual.

Makasih udah membaca VN ini. Aku juga ga nyangka kalo ada pembaca dari indo juga, but thanks gais.

Thanks for your support!

(Dawid is adorable)

Sameeee…. Raymond is too pure

Awww, no worries. Am glad we’re over that. Thanks for the support

I’m happy to know that Cienie has made some readerstry out new cuisines for themselves, which is amazing we’re not a cooking FVN. What food did you try? Glad to know you enjoyed it (the food… and the VN hopefully)

Hey, it’s cool. Ironically having people who checks every new comment does boost the page’s engagement somewhat 🤷😅

No worries. We’re managing so far and slowly getting back in the groove. Please check our VN whenever you’re free and tell us what you honestly think.

inb4 this comment gets at least 2 dislikes

hope whoever’s disliking every comment here is having a wonderful day. thanks for visiting this page. you deserve the best in life. i mean it 🙏

He got a big head but he’s not big-headed. :3

Welcome! Enjoy your stay ^^

(1 edit)

Hey, glad you’re enjoying it so far.

And thanks for the offer. I’ll be sure to reach you out if I’m ever stuck with coding Cienie. Cheers!

sini, seni, dżini (genie), itp.

I cried each time we have to finish the build up to that point too.


Op, terkejut kamek!

terima kasih ^_^

(1 edit)

Hopefully we can implement the CG gallery in future build. Thanks for your support!


Harap bersabar. Belum diusahakan lagi :3


I’m glad his slangs shine through and add to his charm. Honestly, while writing his dialogues, as a fellow SE Asian myself, I’m deeply aware that his speech could sound incorrect to some if not sounding like a caricature/stereotype.

Still, I believe that by embracing his Manglish speech, Raymond can be unashamedly himself, like, if he already speaks like that, then let himlah! Can also, what?

And yes, Otto is a dumb-dumb but I admire his pure intention.


Well, the Download/Upload sync uses Renpy Sync so you can upload and download save files to/from Renpy server, which allows you to transfer your save files to another device.

I tested it just now to transfer my save files from PC to my phone and it worked alright.

Of course, the upload and download sync buttons appear on the save and load screen respectively, because you need to load the save file first, before you can upload sync it. But that’s also the default layout.

Hopefully this helps. Further info

We’re glad you’re enjoying the soundtracks

Obrigado :3

LET’S GOOOO!!!!!!!!

Yeah woops, sorry for the confusion. The number refers to build/version no.. Thanks for playing and staying tuned for the next one 🙏

Of course mah!

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Hope you enjoy it ( ✌︎'ω')✌︎

Malayan tiger, Panthera tigris jacksoni is the scientific name. The population is critically endangered unfortunately 

nie jestem polak ale...
thanks for playing (^_^)

Thanks for your input. We're already on our way with the second release. Stay tuned!