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Bene Gesserit

A member registered Jun 11, 2021

Recent community posts

I am drawn to the simplicity of this game. It is so easy to understand but diffcult to master. It has resemblance to Angry Birds but I like the new twist to the task in the game.  I could easly get addicted to play this game. Thank you for a very nice experience. Well done!

This game has soemthing intersting. It breaks with conventions.  

I like the scrolling background. That is a neat feature. The opening scene  is also dramatic and not to long. Nice! 

Hi CapBear and Lycia, 

I like your game. Well done!

This looks like very sophisticated graphic. What kind of game engine have you used.? In addition can you also describe a little about your process and challenges when you have been working on this game? And finally what have been your inspiration?

Thank you for any comments from your side!