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Ben Eskildsen

A member registered Oct 31, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing!

You're right about this not being Marxism, I just wanted a provocative tagline! 

Also in regards to your point about a bread-only economy being pointless -- that is true. For the society to make sense it should start with several commodities. But I didn't want to overwhelm new players with too many parameters to balance and I just aesthetically like clicker/management games that start you dead simple and then build up from there. 

So alas, the integrity of the analogy to real life has to take a backseat to the game design.

I haven't revisited this game in a while, but reading through all the comments again I am reminded that I was working on a sequel to this game at one point but got bogged down. The goal was to have an economy similar to the one in this game -- where goods are made and workers get paid out, but then to have several different factions (some combination of: landowners, business owners, intelligentsia, laborers, farmers, middle class, army, secret police, religious elite) that each has its own population and collective wealth, as well as specific policy goals about how they want the economy to work (like tax rates, minimum wages, rent control, subsidies, etc.). And then each faction has an approval rating for you as the leader which would depend on the material conditions of the population of that faction as well as whether or not you are passing/rejecting the policies they support/oppose. And if too many factions hit 0 approval then you lose. 

The problem I've run into is that I can't tune the simulation in such a way that there is any strategy at all -- either there's too much slack in the system and you can do whatever you want and everyone's happy, or there's not enough money to go around and you basically must do whatever the faction with the lowest approval rating wants you to do or else it's your head. I also have it set up where you don't get to propose your own policies e.g. you can't just mandate that minimum wage is $X (because this would be a totally different UI and type of game than balancing the desires of competing factions, and imo too easy), but rather at certain intervals policies are semi-randomly generated and proposed to you and you can either approve or deny them. This can feel fun to weigh the policies while you play, but too often I'll get into a situation where e.g. the working class will eventually be driven to bankruptcy/revolt by the high costs of food + rent + goods, but the farmers, landowners, and business owners strongly oppose any policies that would alleviate this burden and may even go insolvent themselves if e.g. minimum wage is raised.

These problems do amuse me though because it feels like maybe our own politicians are in similar binds.

I've been thinking about more ways to introduce ideology into the game instead of just pure numerical strategy -- could the goals be shifted to let you play it out as a worker's champion, or an educated aristocrat, or a technocratic fascist, and express that ideology through the decisions you make in the simulation? Do you have any thoughts about how to better represent ideology in these kinds of economic simulations?

The code is here if anyone is curious:

Wow thank you! 

Yes you're probably right that simple colors would be better than the little line graphs -- I was mostly just showing off the linegraph component I had already made even though it's not the clearest way to display that information :P

I'm glad you liked the game! Command Economy 2 will be finished some day... 

Thank you!

Here is the code: 

Definitely fork it and make whatever changes you want!

Thanks you for your thoughts! I really appreciate the discussion this game has generated. Much to mull over here as I have no formal background in economics (not even any micro/macro classes in high school).

I particularly like your idea of having imports as a way to use money to bridge gaps in your supply chain.

This game is probably just going to stay how it is, but I have put in a good amount of work on sequel to Command Economy that focuses on various socioeconomic classes instead of just proletariat. And this is some good stuff to mull over for that one.

hmm this is an interesting point. Thanks for raising it.

e.g. the workers producing bread make 10 bread each per day but will only buy according to their demand which is basically always less than that (though never less than 1). However on the monetary side, essentially the money just flows back and forth between you and your workers, so any "profit" you make means you are charging more for goods (based on their demand) than you are paying your workers. So At any given time either you are losing money or your workers are so it is a bit of a balance.

This is all true until you get access to gold and then can produce more money. In which case it is possible for both you and your workers to be making money at the same time because you are digging it out of the ground. Though perhaps in real life if rate of monetary production far outpaces the prices of goods, people would just stop working since they no longer need to work to buy things. This doesn't happen in this game as employment rate is as high as you decide.

I'm curious what you would change about the game to better match your expectation.

FYI I'm working on a Command Economy 2 which will have a significantly more complex economic/social system that will hopefully account for surplus-value-type interactions.

Thanks for this feedback! Basing currency on kills is a smart, simple way to add money.

And yeah without the ability to get more planes it's definitely possible to stalemate by accidentally losing all your bombers

Fixed the issue where the button for hiring more contractors could overflow the cards below!

Oh jeez thank you for catching this! 

It should be easy enough to adjust the constraints of the window

(1 edit)

Hey thanks for this comment. This is a good strategy for winning. The demand modeling is admittedly a little simplistic since raising prices helps you so much.

I’ve considered having a separate “utility” or happiness metric of your citizens that exists independently of their demand for goods and would be affected by un/over-employment or low wages or expensive goods, and would feed back into unrest. 

I’ve also considered having randomized events that would drastically change the scenario and force the player to adapt. Like demand for a certain good going way up, or inventory being lost or destroyed. 

I hope you’ve enjoyed the game, and thanks for playing it!

edit: I’ve also thought about UI indicators to help show you what direction your money, etc is going. But I’ve decided for now that I prefer having to figure it out while the game is running so that you can’t pause and adjust everything constantly - sometimes you have to sit and watch to see what is happening. I like the idea of turning the numbers red when they get too low though

Hello, Antocracy creator here, I have a small but mighty (just like ants!) discord where you can post cool screenshots or give bug reports. I'll give updates there more regularly than here.

oof sorry about that bug! I'll try to beef up the pheromone decay system before I release the full version.

Also good call on having nanitic workers. I have something like this planned as an upgradeable ability for the campaign mode I'm working on. Stay tuned!

Thanks for looking more into it. Yeah ants carrying food will switch to feeding larva if there are new larva that need to be fed. The example you sent in these screenshots seems like it might be a different issue... or I didn't properly understand the original issue.

I wonder if the next time you run into this, you can pause, then open the console and enter:


which will dump the game state into a giant string that you could share with me via like or something I can try to mess around with it? I've never actually transferred the game state that way but it just miiight work haha

Thanks for this. These "traffic jams" used to be a lot more common, but I made it so ants could put something down even when another ant is there, and it just pushes the ant out of the way (including the queen). I thought this change would have fixed it so I'll need to play around more to reproduce your issue.

As an in-game workaround, you can use Alert pheromone to make them drop everything to kind of reset their task.

Now you're thinking! And only 2 survived so all the food is yours

An ant hill made entirely of food!

Nick, you're the first person to beat the game who I didn't introduce it to myself. Thank you for playing and commenting! 

Yeah I've been trying to figure out how they're getting such high scores... It might be a bug I introduced (and not the in-game kind, haha).

I'm working on a paid version now which will have ~20 additional upgrades ~15 additional levels and a campaign. So stay tuned for that.

If you have any other feedback or suggestions I'd love to hear more!