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Benjamin Blodgett

A member registered Mar 03, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks nerdy. Maybe I'll get around to it this summer. We'll see

You did a good job. Take it easy man!

This game is fun as hell and now I want to make something like this.

Also I think there should be more feedback for certain things. Like if you take damage play a special noise or effect. When you shoot there could be a very subtle screen shake and when you land a hit a little bit more screen shake along with a juicy sound effect and some kind of visual feedback like the enemy flashing white. Also more particles would be epic.


I should say also that even though I wasn't too interested in the dialogue, interspersing the XQC clips with the game actually helped the pacing and made it enjoyable.


my fucking ears

You should have stuck some music in the background. Used tts for the dialogue and played audio of the clips. Also last clip uses the wrong url

For whatever reason I kind of felt like I was supposed to fight the enemies but in the end I was incentivized to run away from them and sort of weaselly knock down the monuments. I had a similar design issue with my game. Still really fun though!

The sensitivity is too high and I cant turn it down! Its cool though

This is super cool. I finished it, but the controls were kinda scuffed. I imagine trying to map movement on a sphere is pretty hard.

pretty fun

It's just a grey screen for me

I thought the gameplay was very rewarding and liked how there was a degree of tactics and strategy involved in my decisions in game.

I spent a good 40 minutes playing this game it was really fun