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A member registered Oct 07, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing, glad you had fun!

In hindsight we probably did make this game a bit too hard, we'll make an easier one next time!

Yeah the "shoot into space" was a weird physics engine issue that we didn't have enough time to fix before the game-jam submission deadline 😅

Thanks for playing!

No worries, constructive feedback is mandatory for growth and improvement :)

The thread you sent has some amazing advice! I will definitely revisit this in my next platformer.

Hi, I'm glad you had fun, and I'm sorry to hear that the controls didn't meet your expectations. Figuring out the platform physics ended up being much harder than we expected, so we had to make some compromises to finish on time (e.g. the icy platforms were the last effect we had to implement, so they're far from perfect). 

Thanks again for playing, and we promise to improve next time!

Thank you! So glad you had fun playing!

Thanks for playing and glad you enjoyed it!