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A member registered Feb 27, 2016 · View creator page →

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The new update is amazing!  The white on light gray is very hard to read though

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That was fast! I gave it another go, so here's some more notes :D

  • The tooltips showing the specifics on the upgrades screen isn't showing up after the centering
  • Having the core get created on click is much better, but I think your cursor should turn into the piece,  or indicate that you're in core placement mode somehow.
  • The concept of a health bar is very weird here.  I guess it's if you take core damage?  Maybe you could have it be simplified like, lose the fight and lose a heart type of thing, and / or have your damage taken out of your scrap winnings.  idk

An idea for handling cores: maybe parts could stop working if there isn't at least one core connected to them.  So you could have multiple in case the ship breaks, or just one to save space and money.  More just cause it feels weird to have the weapons firing when they're disconnected on their own.

There's a lot of tough design decisions ahead, but luckily it's already very satisfying to see ships blown apart, so you've got a nice base :)

The fix worked!  Also I'm a huge fan of the way the tiles merge now, esp. the engines.

I'll jot down more thoughts here as I play.


  • Enemy ships don't have cores?
  • Movement is relatively pointless vs just being tanky and having a lot of guns. 

Interface Stuff

  • UI is way too small, hard to read and click, also crammed in the corners
  • Core / generated ships should spawn on mouse , not in a random position.
  • Ships shouldn't collide with each other or at least be rotation locked in-between rounds
  • Ships spawn on top of each other after each fight
  • "Start Battle" button shows "Stop Battle" after the first fight
Stargrid community · Created a new topic Very fun!

I'd like to be able to create a ship from scratch.

The copy button doesn't work for me and eats my scrap

I am DEEPLY dissapointed in the turtle size limit.  Fun Game! :D

The support that gives summons +2/+2 (in description) only gives +1/+1

A surrender option would be useful in certain scenarios.  I got into a weird setup with the witch where I kept on getting hp but I couldn't do any damage to her so it was locked in a near stalemate. 

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Omg I'm so happy but I just accidentally ended a run at depth 45 cause I didn't know escape would immediately close the game :'( please add a confirm screen before quitting with escape key

Love the new look and the longer gameplay / mechanics!  The modifiers seem super OP they're very fun.   I'm sure I'll be playing this a lot in the near future, thanks for the continued effort!

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Beautiful game, the scene art really is awesome and it was taking me in with the story, but I'm struggling with the very first level the tutorial, escaping the palace.  To cramped quarters and super strict action point limits make things very difficult... I genuinely have no idea how to beat it actually haha the guards are too fast and I can't event step around them and cast hypnosis on the same turn.   I might try again tomorrow but it might be a sign the game starts out too hard.

-edit: actually i figured it out as soon as i said that lol

This has come such a long ways!  I think I'm realizing I just really don't like the upgrade research system though.  The presentation makes it very annoying to sort through to see if I have the required resources for something, let alone compare my choices.  I guess just highlighting or sorting by what you can afford would solve most of the problem.

Purely needing to grind by searching for spawns is also pretty boring tbh, I think there could be something more interesting

Oh my god this is so good.  The upgrade system is extremely satisfying, absolute *trash*

Super fun! :D I left it running overnight for profit

WOAH you actually used DOTS!  I was wondering where the hell the performance came from all the sudden :D  Infinitely better now!

Nice!  Congrats!

click pool and then click the tower to remove

when press R it flashes the shop screen then dissapears and gets stuck blank

Happy to help, it's off to such a great start.  I'm sure it'd already kill in the masochist's dark souls' demograhpic.  I'm starting to figure out linking and designing combos, and I'm verrry proud that I got to 300 meters, it was tough

Another feedback: Getting bumped back to zero after descending feels bad to me, especially when I had a monster combo in the prev level, I think you should have score carry over when you beat a level, or change the score requirement to "cumulative score" so you're rewarded for landing a massive combo.

Followed and looking forward to more updates :)

Awesome game! Crazy difficult starting out though, the time limit makes it pretty damn stressful.  Personally I'd consider introducing a "number of blocks" mode or increasing the time limit to start with, then ramping back up in a hard mode, to give new players time to chew on the controls and strategies in relative peace

INCORRECT, it is both

damn i losed

Finally beat it! So great and to the point. hectic but still strategic

Love it

There's a View Upgrades on the top left

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I've got two improvement ideas for getting to forty at least, and one of those are getting luky with the doblar mushrooms haha.  This game just keeps getting better, love the dailies

888 im happy with that

Friendship is OP 10/10

Love the feel and the weapons / upgrade paths, I wish it was harder so experimenting felt more meaningful, but I like the elemental affinities buffing spell parameters

The html5 version has that classic godot lagspike when loading sounds or things

How the hell do you beat purple past level 12

seems cool but the restart button doesnt work

DAmn. Nice performance haha

NICE fun

I'm 90% sure the big heal option is overlapped or linked to the "start game" action cause it keeps just starting the game when i press it

There's a lot of these games- but this one hooked me it's pretty sick

fkn sweet

Yeah I didn't have time earlier so I killed myself in the tutorial right after crash landing, and it just stayed stuck in the death state after

Dude this game rocks! Controls and combat feels great, UI is polished, choices around balancing bullets vs managing ricochet etc is awesome. Sooo sick i'm a fan

Damn this is so good.  I think Rebuild is bugged, it wouldn't let me heal anything. Item idea: mech item that stops overflow damage from damaging the building behind it.

lol ill give this a more real go later.  but I confirmed death system is not yet implemented here either XD

This is super dope, the webgl version has some mouse issues, and I hit a bug where i didn't died and just went into negative hp infinitely, but I like the progression a lot

Haven't had the crash since! Now if only I could beat those damn raccoons

Cool idle game, not sure if it fits into the "idle game" genre, cause it's more resource management, but aside from the ui wonkyness I'm really liking it!