Very good game and was very fun to stream for my viewers!
But I have a few game idea recommendations from a fellow game dev myself. Starting it off I like to be added are different seasonal patterns (Which I do understand would be a bit difficult to be added). I would also like an entity that can walk down the near pathway from the base, this could add a little more to the game but also could be a rare event. One last thing that could be added is a rare (or semi-rare) event where the let's say "entity near Romeo" can get close to the base, I'm pretty sure that was a thing in the previous versions but might be wrong.
Thanks for reading my kinda long comment on this goofy ablien/duende game and I hope this game gets more attention as it spreads across the internet and updates more. (Sorry if some parts don't make much sense or are in broken English as I'm writing this at 12 am and I'm incredibly tired 😴)