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A member registered Apr 16, 2017 · View creator page →

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the art is so prettyyyyy I can't wait to see the rest!

Follow the steps shown in these gifs:

Extracting the archive:

Running the game:

As I said, if you use a different distribution, the UI might differ. This is how it looks like on Linux Mint Cinnamon. If it looks completely different on your desktop, please ask someone who is familiar with your distribution for help.

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1. Make sure you have downloaded the Linux version of the game

2. Once you have downloaded it, extract the archive by rightclicking it and choosing "extract here" from the context menu

3. Go into the extracted game's folder and doubleclick on the file "Aftertaste.sh". If it asks you whether you want to display the file's contents or run the file, you click on "Run"

4. Now the game should start!

I am personally running Linux Mint, so the UI may vary but this is how it should work

If you keep getting errors due to missing permissions or something similar, this video guide here should cover that

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Sure! Could you elaborate? What exactly is happening when you try to play it? Also, what operating system are you using?

Thank you so much for playing our game! ❤

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Thank you! :D

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Very cute game! Are some of the bird sfx self-recorded?

The only problem I had was that the tutorial text was covered up if you happened to move too close to the edge.

Good job!

Thank you!

I love the art style it's so cute! The gameplay is fun as well, it took me a few tries to clear the last level^^

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The way that screen layers are set up in the game interferes with Ren'Py's built-in auto and skip functions, so I had to remove them for the first release. But I fixed that since then along with a few other bugs. In the upcoming version 1.1, you will be able to skip normally^^

Does the quick save slot match the save you seem to load when the bug occurs?

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Thank you for providing all that additional information! I tried to reproduce your bug according to what you provided but unfortunately, I haven't been able to. Could you answer a few more questions for me?:

- Do you also have any Quick-Save slots?

- Which Save action did you use to save, quick-save or regular save?. Q-Save Slots are listed on the "Q" page, and the "save and "load" buttons that are shown on screen during dialogues are for q-saves and q-loads

- What operating system do you use?

- Which version of the game did you play? 1.0 or 1.01?

Thank you!! I think you're the first person to actually present the heavenly haze to yonah, well done 😂

Hi! First off, thank you so much for playing our game, it means a lot to us!!

Could you describe the circumstances of the bug a bit more? At which point did you save, and did you have any screens open at the time (like the journal screen or the inventory?) It would help us recreate the bug so we can fix it 🙏

Thank you so much!! You already made some interesting predictions in your playthrough👀 More will be revealed on Day 3 onwards~ 

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I played this on stream yesterday! The pretty artwork caught my eye and AA-like mechanics are something I'm actually trying to implement in an own project, so I got all 👀👀👀 when I saw your description. So far, the parts of the game that are fully implemented look really polished. I love the sprites and UI, it's all very colorful, soft and cute :3 

As for the mechanics, I like the gameplay loop you planned out for this. The journal gives you clear instructions on what to do next, the point & click stuff works intuitively, and the in-game tutorials are helpful, shown at the right times, and concise. I did find the way you present clues to NPCs a bit clunky, though.

I'm really excited to see how this will look when it's finished!

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I played this game on stream yesterday! The pretty promo artwork you posted caught my eye and the game vibes hard. Loved the visual effects and the voice acting is amazing! Gotta check out the prequel next👀

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Thank you for trying our game! <3

A wonderful game! I love the aesthetic and the stop-motion animations are adorable! It's clear that a lot of love and work went into this.

The puzzles were very entertaining as well, it took me like 2,5 h to get through it :,) There was one thing that confused me though:

I managed to open the cauldron at the end, but there doesn't seem to be any point to it? I already dropped the art book into it before that. Maybe that's a bug, and you're not supposed to be able to do that?

Thank you so much for your comment! We are currently working on an update that involves a revision of the script (among lots of other things.) We will try to include your feedback ♥

Oh, I've only briefly checked the walkthrough after getting stuck, oops. Thank you, I'll try again^^

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Nevermind, the routes are working as intended! And I've 100%ed it!

Hi, I would like to report a bug! It seems like I'm not able to enter Jude's route if I watch Remy's performance.


1. Watch Remy's performance

2. Watch Jude's performance

3. Either Accept or decline Remy's offer to feed you

4. Take Jude's hand

5. Choose the "Flee and run until I find my companions" option


According to the walkthrough, I should enter Jude's route but instead, Catalina says this:

"I don't think this is the right option...",

and I'm sent back to the choice menu.

I can reproduce this bug consistently using the current pc build.

Really cool game! Love the old school aesthetics and the sound design is superb :D

Oh wow, this is a fantastic entry! The art style adorable and everything is very polished! I loved how you implemented the tutorial in the game as well! 5* all around, you did a great job!!

The visuals are very fitting for the theme and the gameplay idea is quite interesting! Though I am a bit worried about Gland's coffee intake. Is his blood pressure ok?

The artwork in this game is phenomenal! And it was really fun trying to figure out what the customers wanted each time they came around. Good job!!

Fantastic game! I love the attention to detail put into all the visuals, the map is gorgeous and there's so much to see! The gameplay also super fun, I think this is the most time I've spent playing a jam entry so far! The only problem I had that the end seemed to be bugged for me, I think I created my friend? At least I found them in the inventory, but nothing much happened. But despite that, great job!!

PS: I would commit atrocities for this little bunny ghost, it's so cute!

The spooky vibes are off the charts! Love especially what you did with the background. The gameplay is also fun, though I wish there was a bit more to it^^

The art style is cute, and it's an interesting style choice to put 2d hand-drawn characters into a 3d space! The game felt a bit short, I wish there had been a bit more story.

Very relaxing gameplay, the sound design is great too! 

I like how chaotic the gameplay is :D

Really cute idea! The visuals are very clean, and the art style is cozy. I loved all the decorating options! I just wish there was some music^^

The little elf is so adorable ;v; The gameplay is really fun too!

Very fun gameplay!

A very cute game with a nostalgic pixel-artstyle. While walking around the map I sometimes wished I had a sprint-button, but otherwise the game is well-made. Good job!

Fantastic artwork! And the story is lovely too. And also very relatable ;v; I had a few hiccups with the photo mini-game, but otherwise it was a great experience!

Sorry for your bad experience with the minigame. We didn't have the time left for a proper tutorial, and it has performance issues in the web version. We recommend downloading the game for good measure.

 Here's a tutorial:

It's a drag-and-drop mechanic. You have two drop-areas: The border with the fishes and Sorcell himself. Your task is to drag the good productive thoughts onto Sorcell and the unproductive thoughts into the border.

Thank you still for trying so hard ;v;

The artstyle looks like a children's story book, its very cute! 

Unfortunately, I the drag-and-drop mechanic didn't work properly for me :/

I didn't see the ending coming at all, what an experience. 5⭐

The game doesn't load for me :(