An expiremental platformer made for Moonjam 2022. Navigate the world and acquire new abilities.
Play it free here:
Moonjam 2022 has come and gone! This time the theme was 'Facade' so I made a short noire mystery game for it. I have always wanted to do a small noire type project so this was really exciting for me. Without further ado here is Disco Noire!
Play it here!
I'll admit. it is very VERY Disco Elysium inspired.
One of the bigger unexpected challenges of this game was writing the story. Not just from a writing stand point but an implementation stand point as well. As I found out over the three days failing to include the right variables in the right dialogue can soft lock a game entirely. yikes!
And the typos. don't forget all the typos!
but nevertheless, I am super proud of this game! My partner did an incredible job painting the background art and doing all the music and SFX. you can check his website here:
Hope those of you who like to play point and click mystery stories will enjoy this one.