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A member registered Nov 10, 2015 · View creator page →

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Yup - sorry this is a very old jam project made with a DK2 on an old version of the Oculus SDK in an old version of Unity. I'll look about marking it that way or taking it down. Would love to update it but my time is busy with new projects! Thanks!

@readyman - are you running oculus sdk 0.7 or 0.8 and the latest Leap software? No one else has complained of a crash. Sorry!

Yup, only works with Oculus 0.6.0 - won't work on 0.7.0+
But hey, always down for more Rez-like games!

Well that was BONKERS! Didn't "get it" during the gun range, but had a blast VR-ing through the mountain level and reached the end. Using the knockback on enemy projectiles felt natural, and it controlled surprisingly well with the leap motion as soon as I started using both hands Megaman style. Like the automatic charge up too, and responsive hit reactions on the enemies. The level felt too long - my arms were definitely tired by the end, but I enjoyed this waaay more than I thought I would :)

Love the concept, music, and atmosphere. I couldn't "crest the lip" above the first ladder though, so I got stuck there.

Like the concept and the hammering station was surprisingly fun! Pretty poor performance on my machine (i7, gtx970), and the locomotion was a little disorientating (non-controlled rotations and going through objects made me feel a little queasy.)

Creating my own loops was cumbersome and slow, but I had a blast playing along with the demo song by touch activating nodes!