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Magical Horse

A member registered Jun 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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I was just thinking about making a labrynth game to learn to make enemy AI, def gonna pick these up soon ! <3

I don't know what I'll use them for yet but I seriously love them so much, they remind me of when I was a kid and going with my dad when he was getting flying lessons. <3

Oh I was just making a silly! Though I don't actually like horror games much this was still a fun experience <3
BTW if you're the same Hans I'm thinking of then I just wanna say I've been following you on Twitter for years and accidentally stumbled across your itch while looking for low poly assets for a prototype I've been working on. Small world!

these are beautiful!


I absolutely love these! I can already envision exactly how I'll be using these! <3

these are super cute!

Extremely cringe opinion. Indie dev is totally different from AAA and people gotta eat

It might be possible to emulate the .NET framework but I've had so many problems with Windows emulators that I don't even bother at this point. I'd recommend looking into it yourself though, because there are a lot of benefits from using Linux. The only problem are all the software limitations, especially the ones I hadn't thought about, like the fact that Microsoft owns the H.264 video standard, etc. I'm about to rebuild my PC and set up a Windows & Linux as dual-boot for this reason.

Ever since I switched to Linux I've been missing it lol

This will be super useful, thanks for sharing it!

Really love this design!

I'd like to imagine it means "Yo, awesome kit!"

Oh I love Paint.NET! It's really cool that you're able to make such great textures with it!

I love these!

I don't have a use for these but I just wanted to say these are so adorable!!!!