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A member registered Mar 17, 2019 · View creator page →

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A TORRE - Tempestade de Ferro (SteelStorm)


A Torre - Frame 1

Mergulhe na densa atmosfera do mundo dos ninjas, enfrentando os inimigos mais temíveis do mundo do kenji. Seja impiedoso! Divirta-se! Colabore com o projeto para nos manter vivos!

Ninja Kenji: um jogo ninja para android! Baixe gratuitamente agora! 

Download Now!!! Click hear!

Trabalhando  duro nisso! Teste essa nova versão!

Olá meu caro! Estou sim! Vou terminar esse jogo! Estou um pouco desanimado dos resultados, mas por força do hobby irei terminar!

A punching game, with everything the style demands. Guaranteed fun! The demo is coming out for just $.20. Coming soon the full game!

The game is solo, offline and open world. Of course, the stages are unlocked from special items found.

Click aqui!

Sorry! Tanks! I'm learning!

(1 edit)

Launching my game, AZAX PC. There was already an android version but I'm dissatisfied with the ads policy. I'm trying not to give up!

Azax has mysteriously ended up on an uncharted island. His mission is to unravel the paths in order to escape from this island, destroying whoever he has to destroy. The game follows the classic Beat em 'up trend, with excerpts from classic stealth games. It is under development and is the result of dissatisfaction with creating games for Android. Please test! If you like it, pass it on to your friends! Send me feed back if you want more videos. I'm open to tips!



Obrigado Alexandre! Ainda está em aperfeiçoamento e outra: é um Indie, feito por um homem só! Mas obrigado! Fique a vontade para testar!

Please, test my new game, Ninja Kenji.

Click aqui para realizar o Download para Android

Every week the game content is updated with new challenges, enemies and stages. The game was made inspired by the Tenchu saga, with its simple gameplay, stealth kills, items, among others. Follow the news every week and help me to continue this project, sending feeds, sponsoring, donating and especially sharing with friends on social networks.

Download link:


Take a look in the gameplay:

 Olá amigos! Eu tenho desenvolvendo um jogo ninja inspirado na Série Tenchu. Por favor, eu dê sua alimentação! fazer esta demonstração donwload livre e testá-lo. 

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Link para a página Ithci Io do Jogo! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Vídeo de Gameplay:

Capturas de tela grafics!

The game is a Beat em up mixed with stealth game. 

Baixe a DEMO agora mesmo!!!

Please, coment!!!


Excelent game!!! I try make a game and my group it´s just me... Its hard! Congratulations!

Meu jogo: Pancadaria em Brasília

jogo completo

O que outras pessoas estão dizendoO que outras pessoas estão dizendo

Meu jogo!Full game

poste um vídeo de uma jogabilidade do seu jogo e, abaixo do vídeo, um link para download!

Meu jogo:   download 

Hello. I bag pardon about my poor English... I'm a teacher phisichs, astronomer and a amateur  indie  gamedeveloper. I'm live in Brazil, Brasília.

If you shoud spend some time, please, test my game. Thanks!

demo: Demolink

Please, test my game:  full game(maybe bugs):     Full game       ou    Demo

Some gameplays and screens:

Nice game!!! I like it!

Please, test my game:

Maybe, we can talk about some Project. I'm a indie gamedev amateur!

Good Work! Go ahead!

Its limited bu is possible!

Demo game!