Hi, I'm a composer and I would like to practice.Is anyone interested in some original music?
here's one of my songs https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cz_R5aigzds/?igsh=MW9iMWdhb2pnbmRucw==
Hi, I'm a composer and I would like to practice.Is anyone interested in some original music?
here's one of my songs https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cz_R5aigzds/?igsh=MW9iMWdhb2pnbmRucw==
Hi, I'm a composer and I would like to practice.Is anyone interested in some original music?
Here's one of my songs https://www.instagram.com/reel/C20WSThu0yH/?igsh=MTV3a2NhY3p1ODN0cA==
Hi, I'm a composer and I would like to practice on some ghostly music. Is anyone interested in some original music?
One of my songs
comfy music is my favorite genre. Listen this song that I made to practice https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cz_R5aigzds/?igsh=MW9iMWdhb2pnbmRucw==