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A member registered Sep 15, 2021 · View creator page →

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thank you :)

bulbs can be lit by grappling to them or just moving through it in general 

Thank you , 

I've been working on that grapple line, it has not been very friendly with me,  you can  pick up more speed through the game so we started you out fairly slow,  still up for change however :)

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you can restore them by passing through it :)

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working on it, for now "T" will show you some basics

going to map out levels to teach a few things more clearly and avoid text walls

totally understand

Thanks, hope to have more done soon, would you be interested in adding to the art at all

you can try on another browser, that may help

InTime - Prototype by bg-crazy (

yeah I will look into it

Love how clean and simple these assets are, decided to use them for a prototype, maybe we can work together in the future to produce a more complete product

Great assets, I made a game prototype using this for the main character, Could I link it here? Maybe we can work together in the future