Energy, Gold, Lumber, Food all work offline. The rest do not (for now).
Big Clock Games
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I really appreciate you taking the time to write this out! And the screenshots help tremendously. I will be referring back to this post as I fix these issues.
My first guess is that my game saves local storage more often than your pc can store the info, totally just a guess but I need to optimize this better.
The game saves everything to Local Storage, and should save your page every time you advance to a new one.
In your original comment you made it to way past the end, did you come back to the game after that, and you were stuck on Voidweaver?
Or you reset the game, got that far again and got stuck?
What browser are you using?
I am unable to replicate this bug atm, I appreciate your help.
Thank you so much for this feedback! I will make sure the discord link is working, people have been joining so I didn't think to check. Don't worry about seeing any pictures or spoiling any story, all the extra pictures are placeholders! As far as ruining your game, this next update changes the game to the point that I usually have a note on update: NOTE: highly recommended that you 'reset' your game for balance changes to take effect (stuff like that).
Fridays update will be no different in that I will highly recommend you 'reset' your game for all the new changes to be implemented. Once I get somewhere closer to the 1.0.0 release ( possibly sooner) it wont be necessary to 'reset' every update.
Consistent numbering: Absolutely agree and this will all be aligned in the update on Friday.