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A member registered Nov 25, 2018

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the screen size is all wrong

really nice game

(1 edit)

just tried again as others say there is no delay but for me as i jump over the first hole and press dash it doesnt trigger until ive fallen down the hole and am almost off the screen. the only workaround ive found is to keep the dash key pressed constantly then release it when needed - then you get an instant dash .

also , using a key to restart after a death would be better than having to move your hands off the keyboard and press the mouse ( laptop )

really nice work ! frustratingly there is one sparkle i cant find ...

yeah i dont understand what to do on rhe second screen , just seem to be stuck at the bottom with nowhere to go 

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your correct , there is a LOT more to it , dont know how i missed that entrance ! unfortunally  i had to give up on the big cat boss as the controls are too awkward for me to pull of all the different things you need to do ... if dash was z and jump was spacebar (or the controls could be change to suit) it would be a lot easier to pull off the tricky moves needed...

good game though

thats most likely the problem , didnt even think of that one ! will have to try again , thanks

ive got 8 hearts , thought there were 7 ?! also got the dash ...

also ive done all the map in the bottom right of the map screen and the only way to progess is right at the start by going up , but i dont know how to or if its possible - is that the end of the game ?

enjoyed it so far

a couple of things ... im getting a lot of screen judder when moving - its not as smooth as other games ive played ? also if you kill the second big monster while its near the fire pit (after its dropped down from the platform above) then the key it spawns flies into the fire pit and you cant get to it !

finally i would make the spacebar the jump key then z could be the character change key - that would make it an easier layout for the left hand ...

im having a lot of trouble with the spacebar randomly not boosting you (mainly up) , spaming it doesnt move you anywhere ? nice game though

same here !

really awkward controls

lovely looking game , horrible controls im afraid - also the delay with the dash is just really bad

gave up on the springs and spikes level , too hard ... good game though

got to the end but its bloody hard in the grey arrows section - took about 200 tries to nail it ... nice job !

it looks nice but i gave up pretty soon just because of those unfair blind falls onto enemys ... those make it frustrating , not difficult.

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bit of a mess this one ... controls are bad if your on a laptop as using the mouse is awkward , cant duck while on moving platforms as you just fall through onto spikes below so cant progress past a certain point and a few times after death the character respawned in the death animation instead of normal 

needs work

not keen on the keyboard controls - you should add x and z for jump and snout power for players who use the arrow keys for movement ... this would make the controls less cramped and more ergonomic 

dont understand what to do with this one , cant even make it past the 1st section ! what am i missing ?

controls are too awkward for me - all squashed together and using the mouse for attack is really awkward on a laptop - it should be a key press

might be better to use a key near the spacebar instead of enter ?

really awkward to play on a laptop - fire should be a key instead of a mouse click

nice game - had to give up on the rose boss as its too awkward trying to fire with the mouse on a laptop , needs a key near the spacebar as an option eg z x or c

needs an option to use keys for attack or else its awkward to play on a laptop

needs an explanation of the controls and an option of keys for attack - using two input methods for controls is never a good idea , makes it awkward to play on a laptop as well ... 

nice game ! you could expand this , like le chat fonce was

had to give up on world 3 level 6 as its too hard to get past the first fan section - its not easy to tell when a fan is switched off and you just end up being pushed into the roof spikes !

finished the game , nice !

only problem i found was that i couldnt heal , neither k or right click worked ?

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had to give up on this level as the gameplay started going very jerky and the sound was cutting out really badly ... and this level is too hard - the bottom section of it is virtually impassable unless you get really lucky - great game up till then !

i wouldnt use the mouse at all for controls - makes it really hard to play on a laptop ! i would have gone for keys near the spacebar so its more ergonomic e.g.  z and x 

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really awkward game on a few levels ! 

using shift and ctrl with space isnt a good layout

the floor is way too slippy for accurate jumping 

wall jump doesnt seem to work after "flying" ?

stuck on campfire 3 ... 

visually its great !

wall jumping is very difficult but nice game

nice game but really needs a key instead of mouse for fire - its awkward to play on a laptop

yeah , i understood how to do it but they kept failing to appear after jumping ... played the version on the " most recent " games page

its really buggy im afraid ... a lot of times the platforms dont spawn when you press space and then when i missed a platform and fell off the screen it respawned inside the background and i couldnt get out ...

yeah , thats excellent ! quite tough in places but very good

sort of - on the "most recent" page that i always check

nice game !

i would add alternate keyboard controls - arrows to move , space to jump zx for dash and bark

should have a key instead of the mouse to fire as this makes it awkward to play on a laptop ...