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A member registered May 30, 2020

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Muchas gracias! Les dare un vistazo a sus otras obras!

Me encanto la novela visual! Dendelion es super adorable y uno lo quiere abrazar y proteger! La historia me sorprendio mucho y quede intrigado por las revelaciones en el tercer acto. Aunque no podia traducir todo lo que dijo en su echizo, mas o menos pude identificar la mitad de las palabras por su parecido al Latin.

I really miss this VN. It is one of my favorite fantasy stories.

Reminds me how my epilogue for Spencer completely vanished two updates ago. I played it to completion, yet when I try to replay it, it is gone.

Big Pharma is the biggest global cartel. Of course they are going to want to fearmonger with culpable greedy governments. I wouldn't be surprised if they all commissioned China to create the virus, so they could create new physical ailments on healthy people, and further monetize every flu season.

That aside, this abandoned VN bullcrap is why it VN authors on this site should refrain from posting their half-baked unfinished projects until they are completed. It is highly unprofessional, annoying as hell, and disrespectful to audiences, to be constantly presented with bits of content that will never be completed. Thankfully, my best friend on this site has good work ethic & actually finished his VN before posting it. I read his VN in 3 months and greatly enjoyed the ride, without having to wait months between.

The minigame idea sounds fun! :D

I also adore Dwayne, he is so cute & sweet... he will give me diabetes someday. XD

Really looking forward to the next update. My heart broke when I failed to save a certain character during the second visit to the castle. Great emotional dynamic! And the twist on the third day worked well to raise the stakes and my anxiety levels to ensure a better outcome.

My favorite route so far is with the Minotaur professor, Brendan. I am greatly invested in the murder mystery & Brendan's sad struggle in his private life, so I will only explore that route for the time being. I haven't developed any theories yet, since I need more info that future chapters will provide. I look forward to future Brendan updates.

I wanted to like Kamil, since jocks are cute & his personality is adorable, but his physical design is off putting: not to my liking, specially not after missing the opportunity to vote on the Patreon pole that determined the appearance of one of his attributes. This being a fictional world, I hoped it would carry over only the best aspects of Kamil's religion & forgo the most barbaric, inhumane & stupid tradition of said religion.

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Can I recommend to you a different gay romance VN, that portrays romance in a less toxic & more realistic way? It might be more to your liking, although it features humans instead of "anthro/furry" creatures.

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In the author's defense, the story, specially Tai's route, greatly elaborates on the biology of these anthropomorphic animal men, their tragic apocalyptic backstory, and most importantly, why the MC/Player suddenly goes mad with sexual lust & promiscuity -- which is partly out of his control, due to an external force tampering with his hormones.

Sadly, I did feel repulsed by the MC's behavior, specifically the disgusting toxic threesome that ensued. Although it does play into the MC's later character growth also.


Dew it, Seth! Dew it! >:3

Yay!! Super excited about this spin-off to "El Escritor"!

I had a question. My computer shut off because of a power outage, while I was playing the latest update. When I restarted the computer & opened the game back up, my latest save file, my entire Timeline, and all of my Fragments that I had accumulated since December 2021 were gone. :(

Am I going to have to replay the whole game?

I really miss this VN. This is one of my favorites. :(

I continue to keep in touch with him. He is a great person & I highly respect him. It is also admirable how he released the full VN all at once, in Spanish, with most sprites & CGs, and the updates we got in 2021-2022 were just to add English translations & a few extra CGs. That shows he has great work ethic.

Me too! I love Maria so much! Her romantic subplot in Richard's route made me so happy for her. She deserves all the happiness in the world.

Fraternity hazings happen a lot. And many students have died because of them. It's a shame they still happen.

I also hated how Ben became a slut because of Bryan, it was bad enough how incredibly unlikable Ben is, this just made him repulsive... and what Ben did to his ex was awful too. Honestly, I CANNOT get into the romance of this VN at all. The relationships are incredibly toxic, it's off-putting. Maybe that's set up for some great character development near the end, but still... it's not nice nor enjoyable, so far.

You are welcome, kindly, Ven. I am so happy to hear you checked it out & enjoyed it! :D

I love El Escritor's characters, art, music & story. It's dear to my heart for many reasons. I must have cried 6 times while playing the game, from how emotional things got; the hardest I cried was during Chapter 21.

El Escritor (The Writer) by Seth Baine.

I would love most to see life BEYOND the wedding. I love when they show a happy mature couple with children, in a family unit, and that is something I have only seen once in these gay VNs.

It is only fair, given the amount of work that goes into the project

Yay! Welcome back! I really missed this VN.

I miss this game. I have this game to thank for introducing me to my all-time favorite music track "What Could Appear," which made several scenes in this VN unforgettable. The character development and world building is commendable also. I am eager to learn more about this world and its lore and magic system.

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I am on a similar disappointed mindset. Out of 60 VNs I've read in the past 3 years, over half of them have been abandoned, with no updates in over a year; and with AWFUL plots, pacing and unreadable dialogue. Wasting time and money on a project like this is the worst. I am sick of unprofessional authors who give cutesy excuses. Write the damn story COMPLETELY and secure the resources, before bothering to publish.

I am enjoying the VN so far! I love Tonraq's design and the premise!

I just finished playing Day 6 of Dwayne's route... his route is without a doubt my favorite of them all!

Coach and Richard's are tied as my 2nd favorite routes. Dozer is 3rd.

Coach, Richard and Dwayne are officially my three perfect husbandos! Thank you! :D

Thanks for the update on your situation. Sorry about what you are going through.

Don't worry, I am sure everyone else, like me, understand. Be safe and take care. Remember we care about you and appreciate having you in our lives.

Sorry for the spoiler, but as a foreskin lover, I was very pleased with the events of this chapter. This is one of only two VNs out of hundreds I've played to have shown appreciation and care for the intact male and the joys of being uncut. Thank you. :D

Thank you, Rynbin. I was also a Patreon for several months. I am beyond frustrated, since in the last 18 months this exact thing has happened to a dozen other VNs I used to support.

Any developer's poor work ethic and tendency to abandon projects is unprofessional and unfair to those of us who invested time and money in their projects. And since there isn't any accountability (and people like omar are quick to attack and defend said poor work ethic), some Devs can get away with it.

Well, good luck finding backers for your next unfinished magnum opus! We deserve better!

Right?? Ramos is my favorite & we left off at a crossroads for their relationship. Sadly, it takes so long to get updates, I am certain we will get the next Ramos update sometime next year. I suspect the Leandros update will come out by November, at the rate things have been going the last 18 months.

I guess each Ramos update will become an annual occurrence, at this rate.

And this is why I am sick and tired of unfinished VNs. To future VN authors, PLEASE complete 80-90% of your project BEFORE bothering to publish it & wasting everyone's time & money when you decide to abandon it.

Yeah, I would prefer if they just waited until they had 90% of the VN complete before publishing it, then used monthly updates to add CGs and update small things. That would make the wait and uncertainty easier.

Damn, you were lucky! XD

Italian bears for the win!

El Escritor is the best VN I've played on itch to date. And the ending is perfect proof of why. Also the emotional beats and execution, and lovable characters one wishes existed in our world!

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I know right?! Chapter 21 wrecked me as well, hehehe. My first time playing, I was upset because I thought I had gotten the bad ending, and the ending made me sob so loudly my neighbor knocked on my door to do a wellness check.  XD

But thankfully I got the best ending, and the ups and downs made the ride definitely worth every tear shed. Such a beautiful story, even six months later, it continues to live rent free in the rooftop of my heart and mind. :3

P.S. You are adorable, Phamyne!


Trust me, once you get the best ending, exploring the bad ones is painful! Sweetheart George does deserve the best!

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Well, another VN to add to the list... That's over a dozen in the past year that are abandoned or go into indefinite hiatus. You creators need to abstain from publishing VNs, if you are not going to commit to the projects, instead of getting our hopes up and invested for months for nothing. This is getting ridiculous!