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A member registered Aug 04, 2021 · View creator page →

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I'm having the same issue

This is my first time actually putting in the time to make a comment but this is because I really like the idea of this game but holy hell. Can the we move faster whle being smaller so that we have at least a CHANCE to live. I've been getting unlucky over a full 30 minutes and either getting hunted off spawn or otherwise quickly taken down. It's difficult to enjoy the game when you don't get to play it. Please add some sort of way even a bad way of giving us at least the chance to fight back or live long enough to have fun

I really hope that this is still open but I've been trying for an embarrasing amount of time to get this to work. The powershell doesns't isntantly kill itself, and I got to the part where it makes sure I know what I'm talking about with choosing 1 thourhg 9 but in the end it still tells me 

IndexError: List index out of range

What do I do about this?