EDIT: Hitting F1 and selecting the Play BGM and ME check box worked.
Is there supposed to be music playing? I am not hearing any music.
Hey y'all. I am stuck towards the end of the game.
I have had kids with Tabatha, Terri, Penny, and Ariana. Right now my next hint is under Milibelle and it says to "Go outside." I have literally spent 100 in game days trying to get this to trigger. I have gone through everyone's options as far as I can tell. I bought everything from the stores. Another thing I noticed is that Ariana doesn't have a heat suppression option like the other girls do. Is this a bug? Am I missing something? Is there some sort of console/debug mode where i can manually trigger the next event? I really want to see the end of the story.
Took me 14 lives to beat it, but what a fantastic ride it was. I went into it knowing nothing and really enjoyed it. The only criticism I have is that after the first few "runs" it gets super repetitive. I ended up just skipping most of the dialogue.
One suggestion would be to allow the player to set a "world state" for that particular run before starting it based on their past lives. So instead of going through all of the dialogue you could essentially "warp" to the next logical step in the story if that makes any sense.