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A member registered Feb 01, 2021

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Can anyone explain to me what are things like Speed Booster or High Beams or Afterburner or Blueshift does and how to use them? I have no idea and it is really bugging me. 

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I think I can faintly make out the arrow. Weird, could've sworn I've clicked everything on the screen and it wouldn't move on. Are those screenshots from the Final Version?

Edit: Okay I just tested it. It worked. Thanks!

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Not that I recall, no. I pretty much tried clicking everything. Thought maybe it's a bug or something. Do you have a screenshot? Maybe I'll know what to look for then

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How do you move on from the H-Scene. All I got is the auto option and zoom. Have to quit the game. I'm on Rosalyn route. Am i missing something?

Just found this out. I've played the original before. Is Shin's route gonna be mostly the same with some changes or has it been rewritten completely?