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A member registered Jul 30, 2023

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i agree how ever if it is maded in unity you perhaps could make it yourself/make a mod as it says it come with a steam key (the mod thing might work if thay have the worshop enabeld)

YA this game is not dead

i am not a expert but if you paid on this account you shoud have accses to the newest updates

thank you my friend!

the windows version for 0.2.1 is just not availably at lest for the poor people and the mac version dont work on windows i trided

(1 edit)

that is whar the story stemes to be going however i was more of asking about after they were rescued

edit: spelling

the game is no done yet. that part is not yet made this is more asking the dev how far and expansive the game will be wen done. if the makes scenc

may I ask: how far will the story go after sabrina eats the highprest? thar are other islands on the world map probaly filled with tasty woman!