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Billy Jack

A member registered May 14, 2022

Recent community posts

I would love a random function to help make npcs faster.

Using RPG Maker mz and 8 wave bundle,  what offset should i have for the weapons.  I'm using fists,swords,staff and sling shot.

Can we get an update?

I'm using a modified map of yours in my game i'm hoping to put a small demo out soon.  How do I credit you?

features to add please

mass making of random characters.  Tell it to make 50 random characters and it prints them out.

Make multiple facial expressions.  Decide on your face and it can print out happy, sad,  angry, neutral etc.  This helps for making stories.

Awesome!  I really NEED  the random feature to make villagers for my game.

Is version 2.0 going to be available to those that already have Stella Character Generator?