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BirdBox Games

A member registered Jan 06, 2019 · View creator page →

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Once again, nice work!

Every version I look at that car handling and I feel its at a good spot at the moment, the difting feels like an important part of the game. There is only windows and macOs versions, so that was a naming error in the last version. Thanks for spotting.

Thanks for the feedback!

A couple of these suggestions will be in the next update.

I definately want to do split screen multiplayer one day, but for now I am first focusing on making the single player expierience the best it can be.

(1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback. Shame to hear you are having trouble on macOS, performance optimisation is definately something I will need to look into. I will see what I can do about the freezing when leaving a race. The good news is in the next v0.4 update, I am implementing an options screen where you can adjust the quality settings, which will hopefully help.

Thanks for the feedback. I have added a basic weather system in the latest update, so that definately adds more strategy. I will definately look into track temperature too.

Cheers buddy, nice job!