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A member registered May 18, 2024

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jester: is there even a king under all of that gold?

what did I do I just wanted to give one a top hat

this game was awesome and I wish there were more games in the series

space ghosts hit despair directly and don't give wounds they can still kill you

bro I did not even remember this game my comment is 113 days old. why did you reply .

I hope you keep updating it on because steam does not work for my computer

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I love this guy 

he is smol and crazy my favorite combo

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this new update is so cool but I did find some glitch's when you open you inventory while the boss uses his smash attack he still uses it but you don't take any damage also the boss music is very glitched out also is the ruin at the end of the game from the flying city in island builder legacy

I beat the game and now my king is rich

I had an army so strong that I only died on wave 50 something because the enemy mages were the size of my screen and I was overwhelmed with lag. my army had a max level tower in the back in the middle of two empty spots There were 2 farms that gave plus 6 units a turn because they were max level and overclocking they gave plus 6 to max level paladins I had like 300 paladins when I died I replaced one of the farms with a cemetery so every single one of my paladins would have a second life as a imp. my castle had the thing where max level did not exist so it did 200 damage a rock and that is my army of gods. - this game is crazy fun

can you make to where when the enemy ship reach's the other side of my screen it does not make the round never end and me unable to do anything I would not even mind if it made me lose instantly just make it so the match does not last forever

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yes Rico kaboom

just so you know it is a madagascar reference

that sounds like it is going to be awesome I can't wait to play the update when it comes out

this game is awesome but I found a bug and I have a suggestion

bug : when I open a chest or trade menu it will never close

suggestion : can you add a way to put oxygen in places that don't have it or have a way to increase your oxygen tank capacity also can you add doors

another thing that is a mix of both ideas can you add air lock doors so anything inside has air but everything outside does not

a queen and her sister are ruling over this kingdom


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carton and flash bangs are the only way to win level 3

my village is huge

bro I just dodged 5 grenades and won that was fun :)

I think this is the full game

on halloween night she is a ghost
otherwise she is human

kinda matching or opposite outfits on both of them

making boys in your games is a fun challenge so I might start doing that more

a cozy town 

don't mind the jam and the eye

he likes his jelly you can even see the jar on top of the toilet

my attempt at making a boy very difficult I wonder if you could add stuff to make boys as well in your games

this is a new one I made with all of the gems

I had two bullets in a 9 round gun and like a 50% doge chance and a 5% miss chance and I got two bullets one after another and died

I don't have a name for them but they are a high ranking guard and this is them relaxing after a battle

hello great game I made 8 sisters 1 for every gem

purple is often followed by butterflies because the flowers on her head
orange can command bees to do what she wants
pink tries to bring everyone together and tries to help solve their problems
green can grow plants anywhere she wants
blue has a scar because red attacked her
red gets mad easy and is jealous of blue

yellow is very gullible and easy to trick so red often targets her
white is the oldest of the sisters
I call them by color because none of them have a name