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A member registered Jul 16, 2021 · View creator page →

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thank you for the feedback

That's a really cool idea, the graphics are amazing, the sound effects are also really good but the shop didn't work for me and I think there aren't too many ways to fight the monsters you just go and hit them with your sword. if there were more abilities and ways to fight the game would be a lot better. but I know you had no time to add this kind of things so great job as other people said its a bit un finished.

(1 edit)

This is the most impressive game I have ever seen in a game jam it looks like you have been working on it for weeks. Amazing job!!! I think it would be better if you could control the camera but that's not something to improve its just my opinion. you did a crazy job! (I would easily buy the game if it was for sale)

hi, thank you for your feedback i will do my best to improve the game! Also I probably forgot to show it in game but if you click escape you can enter the shop

u got this!

really nice game. i think next time you should add more abilities and make a couple of levels with an unlocking system. but its a really good game for the first game!

I know the game is bad but less then 4 days to make a first person fighting game is not a lot. I did my best and hope you will like it!

If you only need the script:

using UnityEngine;

using UnityEngine.UI;


public class Wave


    public string waveName;

    public int noOfEnemies;

    public GameObject[] typeOfEnemies;

    public float spawnInterval;


public class WaveSpawnner : MonoBehaviour


    public Wave[] waves;

    public Transform[] spawnPoints;

    public Animator animator;

    public Text waveName;

    private Wave currentWave;

    private int currentWaveNumber;

    private float nextSpawnTime;

    private bool canSpawn = true;

    private bool canAnimate = false;


    private void Update()


        currentWave = waves[currentWaveNumber];


        GameObject[] totalEnemies = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Enemy");

        if (totalEnemies.Length == 0  )


            if ( currentWaveNumber + 1 != waves.Length )


                if ( canAnimate)


                    waveName.text = waves[currentWaveNumber + 1].waveName;


                    canAnimate = false;











    void SpawnNextWave()



        canSpawn = true;


    void SpawnWave()


        if (canSpawn && nextSpawnTime < Time.time)


            GameObject randomEnemy = currentWave.typeOfEnemies[Random.Range(0, currentWave.typeOfEnemies.Length)];

            Transform randomPoint = spawnPoints[Random.Range(0, spawnPoints.Length)];

            Instantiate(randomEnemy, randomPoint.position, Quaternion.identity);


            nextSpawnTime = Time.time + currentWave.spawnInterval;

            if (currentWave.noOfEnemies == 0)


                canSpawn = false;

                canAnimate = true;






ok seems great! can you start with making the dart monkey?

Hi, I started making a 3D version of bloons td and I need an artist to make the monkeys and projectiles.

Hi, I started making a 3D version of bloons td and I need an artist to make the monkeys and projectiles.

Hello we are a team of two developers searching for a 2d artist for the Game Off 2021 game jam if you wanna join add me on discord: bishi1#0245

Hello I'm a game developer in unity c# I sent you an invite in discord.

wanna join us?
discord: bishi1#0245

wanna join us?
discord: bishi1#0245

Hi, I'm a game developer in unity c# and I want to team up with you.

I sent you a friend request in discord.

I sent you a friend request in discor

If it's ok with you I will be happy to join you two! (I'm a game developer)

sorry im not an artist

Discord: bishi1#0245

I'm sorry but my game style is 2d

I will tell you if I decide to make a 3d game

Unity with c#

BYOG 2021 community · Created a new topic Team up
(2 edits)

looking for someone to team up with. (Unity c#)

Discord: bishi1#0245

(2 edits)

looking for someone to team up with. (Unity c#)

Discord: bishi1#0245

great game but I think you need to add some sort of death animation.

If you want we can team up i dont realy care what your age is.

So you are 13 like me or 15 like the one that posted that he need a teammate?

(1 edit)

hi do you want to team up with me? I'm 13 years old and I'm a game developer for almost 2 years I'm not good at blender but I'm pretty good at Unity and c#

I'm so sorry lol


cool concept but not enouth work on the levels!

this can be a really cool game if you just add more towers!