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I really enjoyed the game you put together! Its aesthetics are great, and the controls feel very nice and responsive.

If you'd like to try my game, a short pixelated adventure game about preparing for a storm at a small island home, I'd love to hear your feedback!

It's a really aesthetically pleasing game! The controls are pretty responsive, and the art and sound design are integrated quite nicely within the levels to create a very peaceful game.

One quick observation I made is that it can be challenging to decipher which tiles are the floor and which tiles are the backdrop in some locations. It didn't happen too often, but it could definitely help to standardize which ones are which a bit.

Great work!

This was a really cool game! The atmosphere was very good, and it's really awesome that you did all the coding and modeling!

The only thing I noticed was that the movement was a bit sticky when navigating through the tunnels. I think it could possibly be because Unity's character controller doesn't handle movement and walls super well. I think there's a way to get the normal of the wall that the player is colliding with and subtract the projection of the player's movement vector onto that normal away from the overall movement vector. This may not help at all, but it was something I fought against a lot at one point so I thought that maybe it would be helpful. Feel free to disregard the suggestion if it's not helpful though haha

Great work!

This is a really cute game project! I always love a good top down action / adventure game, so it really appealed to me in that sense.

I had a bit of trouble with the hitboxes in the game - it sometimes felt like I was fighting against the terrain to be able to hit any of the enemies properly. 

It's also very funny to hear the bean character's footsteps as they glide across the stage haha.

Great work!

If you're interested in a short, pixelated, slightly challenging adventure game about prepping for a storm at a small island home, I would love to hear your thoughts!

I played your game, and thought it was really awesome! The pixel art was beautiful, and the mining / upgrading / fighting gameplay loop was really cool and fleshed out. Great job!

This was a really fun and beautiful game! The pixel art was awesome, and there is a whole lot of depth to the mining, processing, and purchasing gameplay loop that is really impressive for the short game jam time frame.

This may be an issue where something went over my head during the opening narration, but I was a bit confused on what all the different progress bars on screen indicated. Having a quick in-game tutorial or some label text that comes on screen to point out the meanings of the different UI elements could be useful for guiding the player. That's a really minor observation, though, and it didn't detract from the awesome project.

Great work!

I can't believe it was all for a rick roll >.<

This was a cute game! I really appreciate all the custom made assets - it really creates a unified look to the game.

Great work!

This was a really cute game! I thought the art was very charming, and I really liked the idea of the fences spawning and interlocking like Tetris pieces. That's a really cool idea!

One quick thought I had is that it would be cool if the storms spawned and approached from different directions, instead of just coming from the right. When the storms spawned for me, I tended to just stack the fences in front of the patches of soil to the right so that the storms would all hit those fences first. This meant I didn't really have to create an interlocking fence as much as I did just pad against the storm to the right.

Awesome work!

I think the game is really cute! The voice acting and concept behind it are very fun as well.

I definitely hit a point where I had no idea what to do pretty fast. I beat the first rat, talked to Remy, and found two slices of pizza. After that, I tried using the teleporters, but every time I did, it played a whoosh sound effect and I stayed in the same location.

Great work!

This was a really cute game! I love the art style, and I really love the depth of the mechanics, especially for how short the time frame of the game jam was.

One small detail is that I think I hit an equilibrium of killing all the enemies just by placing spikes on the floor. It may ramp up difficulty in subsequent nights, but it could be cool if there were some additional incentive to use other structures too.

Awesome job!

If you're interested in playing a short, somewhat challenging adventure game about prepping for a storm in a small island home, I would love to hear your feedback!

This is a really cool project! I like the core idea a whole lot, and I think it has potential to be a fun and relaxing game, either on PC or on mobile like some other reviewers suggested.

I got a bit lost at the beginning, so a tutorial could be pretty useful. Additionally, there definitely were a lot of powerups that I did not utilize the best, but it didn't take away from the enjoyment.

Great work, and good luck with future development!

If anyone's interested in playing a short, somewhat challenging adventure game with a pixel art style, I would love to get feedback!

Awesome, thank you! I played through your game as well, and thought it was really cool and atmospheric. Great work!

The atmosphere / graphics of the game are awesome! They really set a cool mood for the scene, that works well with a peaceful and somewhat eerie fishing minigame.

The minigame itself was a bit monotonous, though I think that it is supposed to be that way to an extent since the player is given a choice to leave if it gets too tiring. One thing you could possibly add to spice up the gameplay a bit would be to have randomly spawning areas where the player fishes that have a higher likelihood of spawning a fish (like in either Stardew Valley or Core Keeper). That could maybe help keep the player engaged while taking in the atmosphere.

Great work on the jam!

Hey! If you're interested, I made a short adventure game during the jam. I'd love to hear your feedback! I'll give yours a try now :)

Thanks for the rating! I think you're definitely right about the inventory slots, and the player movement speed could definitely be increased as well.

Great job on your project, too!

Thank you for the feedback! I think you're absolutely right about the inventory slots - that could definitely make it a more streamlined experience. Thanks for playing / rating, and great job on your project as well!

The idea behind the game is really cool! There is a lot of strategy, even with such a simple concept, and the art and music complement it very well. The random generation is also really awesome! My only thought is: it takes a surprising amount of time to actually move the mouse back and forth between the UI buttons at the bottom, the character, and the end turn button. Additionally, since turns almost always include one movement and one action (or one movement, with no valid options left), the end turn button may not be necessary. That's a really minor thing, though, since it would be solved by having some keyboard / controller shortcuts anyways.

Fantastic work on the project, and thank you for reviewing my game as well!

It was a really fun game! I thought the movement was a very enjoyable base to build a game on. It felt a lot like stick fight (which I really love haha), but with some added movement controls that add some extra depth.

I thought the spike hitboxes were a bit frustrating in a couple spots, and a handful of the respawn points felt a bit punishing. Beyond that, though, it was awesome.

Great work, and thank you so much for reviewing my game as well!

Hey! If you're interested, I would love to hear your thoughts on my game. It's a short adventure game about prepping for a storm in an island house that requires a bit of strategy and speed to complete.

Hey! If you're interested, I would love to hear your thoughts on my game. It's a short adventure game about prepping for a storm in an island house that requires a bit of strategy and speed to complete.

Thank you, I really appreciate the feedback you gave!

Hey! If you have time, I would love some feedback on my game project. It's a short adventure game about completing tasks to prepare your island house for an oncoming storm.


Hey! If you have time, I would love some feedback on my game project. It's a short adventure game about completing tasks to prepare your island house for an oncoming storm.


This was really cool! It had a lot of mechanics and depth for the short time of the game jam.

The car controls were a bit frustrating to me, but that may be a skill issue >.<

Hey! If you're interested, I would love to get some feedback on my game project!

Hey! This is the first game jam I've ever done, so I would love to hear feedback on the game I submitted.


Thanks for the fix! I enjoyed playing the game. It's very stylish and extremely elegant given the short amount of time for the jam.

I definitely agree with the other commenter - mid attacks are a bit tough to identify, and the difficulty of the game led me to throw in the towel after a couple attempts of that tough room; however, the concept of the combat is still really cool and streamlined, so it was a fun experience.

Great job!

The graphics and feel of the game are really cool! I'm also a big fan of souls games, so the combat was really cool to me as well.

I'm not sure that I did everything right, because after the first combat phase, it seemed like the game stopped. I waited for a little while to see if more enemies would spawn, but nothing seemed to happen.

Great work, though!

Hey! I tried to launch the game, but it gives a fatal error with the text "failed to load mono". Do you happen to know how to solve this issue?


The art was really good, and I loved the atmosphere of the game!

The audio got a bit intrusive at times, and I did run into a game breaking bug a bit later in the game. I gave Eli the rope before descending into the hole, but then I couldn't progress any further. I'm not sure how easy that is to fix, but it could be something to watch out for.

Great job!

This was a cute game! I really liked the art design - it was very elegant.

I was a bit confused initially, because I think I ended up not drawing a single other soldier card, which left me unable to defend the fortress at all. Additionally, there were a couple issues I ran into with the audio cutting out randomly during the middle of the game.

Great job!

I tried a couple runs of the game, and I really liked the style! The character designs were charming - they reminded me a lot of muppet characters or something of the like.

I did have to manually exit and relaunch the game whenever I got caught, because the menu buttons didn't seem to do anything. I'm not sure if that's a problem on my end or not, but it did slow down the process of playing the game. I think it could also help to have visual indicators of where the villagers are looking. As it stands, it is a bit jarring to lose the game, since it's not always evident where the characters are looking.

Great work!

This was a really cool project, especially for your first game ever, so congratulations on finishing and submitting it!

I thought it was cool that some of the dog bones could spawn above the floor. I think it would be really cool if there were more bones that spawned higher up that encouraged the player to explore and climb around a bit more as well. That could possibly add a bit more diversity to the core gameplay loop.

Great job!

Hey! I was trying to play the game, but it seems not to load in my browser. Do you happen to know if this is an issue on my end?