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A member registered Jun 27, 2023

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Hope you'll like my characters' designs; i tried my best! :)

Damn, what the hell, my mind's blowing ahahahah.

Anyway very VERY nice game. The game is really innovative and, besides that, it brings a deep message within itself.

Furthermore, I felt the emotions of the protahonist more than ever in any other game lmaoo

No problem, anyway thanks! Now i'm going to download the new version! 

See yaa! ;P

Hi, Gabbs.  

For what I know, you're an indie developer and this, from what i could tell, is your first published game; it is very good considering those criterias. But i want to tell you some things that i found during my 30 minutes gamplay:   

  1. When you win/lose a game and click the button "play again" the game sends you to the PvP section;
  2. during the games i played, I noticed that the ball receives a gradual speed boost; that's a very good thing! But i think you should had a speed limit for it, because, in the late game, it becomes very hard getting the ball.

Anyway, beyond these little things, the game is great and the soundtrack is very well made; the menu song has a very upbeat rythym and the game over song represents the meaning of a defeat. I was almost forgetting! I would recommend to add a win song.

I hope that this feedback will be helpful!

Keep it on, you're doing great!! :)

i'm already in love with the binding of isaac; when i saw the screenshots of this game i already knew that i needed to play it XD. Anyway, for being in a beta version, it is very good! i really like the pixel art and the sprites! congratulation and keep it up!!   

Wow, really congrats for your work on this game; anyone can see with how much love was made this game. The soundtrack fits in perfectly and the pixel art...splendid. I would really like to donate some money but i can't :( (im 16 lol). I hope that this feedback has almost the same value of a donation for you, the creators of this masterpiece. 

P.S. I just made my account only to write and post this feedback XD