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Black Slug Games

A member registered Jan 27, 2014 · View creator page →

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A lot of fun, but the page background blends in with the game background. It made it hard to understand panning with the mouse at first

Surprisingly a lot of fun!

Cool concept. I wish I could use the scroll wheel to cycle through the items

The sound clips are great!

(1 edit)

Great concept! It would be cool to lock a die for use on future turns. And it would be nice to see which dice types are left in my bag. My only gripe is constantly needing to hit the "end turn" button while waiting for a 1 in order to use the exit. That could be solved with something like a die-lock feature, a die that rolls 1, 2, 3 only, or a die that rolls "odd" or "even" and the player choose the number. Lots of room for expansion, which is a sign of a great game


Awesome! :)