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Black Space

A member registered Sep 18, 2022

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2 Animations completed already? Seems really quick now, but let's see, I really can't wait


(2 edits)

I think these deities could possibly be trying to help MC in their respective ways, maybe they have their own goals? After all. if I recall correctly, each deity spoke within a certain way similar to how they act while also carrying out a goal in mind for MC.

Green being nice and wanting to help, their goal, perhaps selflessness
Blue's goal is to make him be more assertive,
Purple goal is to make him selfish 
Yellow's is to help him establish relationships

But I think I just know better that they all come out when I'm guessing a certain requirement has been hit for them

Purple comes from desires being Revengeful and/or Lustful
Blue comes by chatting being Charismatic and/or Assertive
Green comes to someone in need, being Kind and Soothing
Yellow comes when they spot someone that the MC can relate to, being chatty and nervous(?) possibly outgoing though however

Examples I guess would be:
Purple peeking the bathroom or being hurt
Green helping Natsumi
Blue chatting to Hana and Midori, the way MC speaks to the two character seems to be significantly different
Yellow saying how he recognizes a character to Kaede

MC's aware and I'm guessing, have some limited extent of control over his body whenever those certain emotions come out.

He did refrain hurting someone in public, either the Purple emotion knew of this, or that was him trying his hardest to hold back from doing something he'd really much regret

I don't think he knows why he cant control himself easily though when these certain emotions come out though, he knows it's very unlike him,

especially with how he originally tried to be a prick to Natsumi, just for green to come out, help her and realize a big mistake could've happened had he been a prick, yet he doesn't exactly know why he changed from being a prick to being nice so...

My major question to this is how nobody realizes his eyes changes color each time these certain emotions come out, maybe it's something unique, and something only certain people similar to him can see...

I'm gonna stop my rambling here, I really liked the story so far, but anyways, You're welcome for the condolences, I feel the same way about fictional characters getting help,

I'd want to help people in any way I could, but we're only human, the greatest flaw and blessing we can be granted, so it's hard to do that, I just try my best to not think that and just make whoever I can, feel at least a little cared about and hopefully put a smile on their face, even if it was temporary.

Stuff like "You're not alone" ain't gonna help at all, so I again cheer whoever up in whatever way I can

Hope that one day you'll heal from what you've felt, I just hope it wasn't too terrible...

(2 edits)

Yo this is an amazing look, I never exactly knew how to represent these beings exactly, so them being deities that're tied to certain emotions coming out of MC is kind of a cool thought!

It looks like some of those emotions have self-control though, since if I recall correctly, Purple came out when a little someone tried to plan a trick on MC

also lastly, hope you're doing well, sympathy is one thing, but empathy is another...

(5 edits)

DUDE, I LOVED IT! IT WENT SO QUICK THAT I JUST WISHED THERE WAS MORE TO READ, you make the story just SO AMAZING! I found it too good I can't find a better term than amazing,

BUT DAMN, THE LAST PART OF CHAPTER 3 GOT ME ANTICIPATING FOR MORE, I'm so curious to how Red would handle it, poor girl...

I can't wait to see more when it comes out! and I'm so curious to why Red's eyes are blurred unless one of those emotion-related characters come out?

I give it a 10/10!

P.S. Red's the name I gave the main character, but anyways, again I LOVED IT, can't wait for more! See you next update! Or revisit!

P.P.S. I noticed that some of the images here don't show what's in the current content, are some of them upcoming future content?

P.P.P.S. I'm definitely coming back time to time to either read reviews or to check on the update(s)

(2 edits)

Sucks I missed the update by 6 days, but let's gooooo!!!
The next update is here!!

I'll make sure to let you know how much I enjoyed this update when I check it out! The story intrigued me before the update so I can't wait to see what it's like with this update!

I have randomly gotten a notif that you followed me, you interest me with the visual novels that i see before me, King of Harem and Money and Power, but if you didn't I wouldn't have ever found these two interesting novels that I will check out soon enough!

I will also give my thoughts on it once I do check it too!

lets gooo!

Happy Late Birthday!! And no, you deserve applauses more than anything, cause you make updates so frequently for us to be entertained!

Sounds interesting, I'mma check this out eventually


(4 edits)

I'm gonna genuinely be surprised if this ever one day gets visited in the later years with the update drop going from 2019 to a whole possible decade hiatus around in 2029

also it's been 2 whole years since I first initially started LiL and now I'm restarting in 2024, also I never knew you referenced this game, and also also, I'm genuinely shocked to find a Reddit Tweet about 3 years ago talking how there was...

I dunno, 1.2 million words, AND NOW IM JUST SHOCKED WITH THE DILIGENCE ON LiL, KUDOS MAN, KUDOS. anyways, If I ever see this game updated after years of hiatus, I might actually check it out

also 2024 comment babyyy


I learned that you can find them in the inbuilt wiki, about the changes

(1 edit)

I know I said I would try the original Lust Doll... but... my device isn't compatible so... RIP, but when I can, I would try it!

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Scrolling down the comments and seeing positive reviews makes me happy for you Arc! You really deserve it with how well Corrupted Kingdom's story is!

Side Note: if I had to pick a favorite character that I currently can show affection and love to, I couldn't choose, they're all equally loveable! thats how well you made the story!

FREE DLC, IF THAT WERE TO EXIST? Dude, you're both amazing, and insane, instead of profiting you seem to genuinely just want to appeal to the audience. Again, you're amazing.

I'm going to be shocked if you actually make another game and update that weekly, with sound files, but you should take breaks when you're exhausted!

Although I am waiting for more content and currently not enjoying what you recently release, which I'm really holding myself back to get even more invested in the story,

I bring fear that this might get cancelled or dropped due to you having stress or being overworked to provide updates, or people getting impatient or more demanding.

Like this so far is one of the biggest, ongoing and interesting-est (to me) visual novels so far, and I wanna be along waiting the updates to the very end, and even wait for your next game whenever that comes out!

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I found this visual novel by searching around out of boredom, I finished all of the current update's chapter! I loved it, I can't wait for 0.4 to be free, from what I'm reading, next update in on the horizon, like I said, can't wait! This story got me very invested!

Did lessons in love stop doing update logs? I can see that it's getting updates

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I haven't caught up yet due to me wanting to wait some more for the updates to roll in, but I read you can headpat Lil' Kana and I can't wait to get to, she's a little bundle of joy!

Also I'm  curious to whom Maven is, can't wait to find out for myself when I'm ready to come back into this game's story!

This got abandoned? aw that sucks, I really enjoyed it

LD+ is fun, honestly, but I see there's an original, I think when I'm done with everything in this game, I'mma check what's on the original

Les gooo!! The update is here!

I'm planning to wait a good amount of time to see all the new content at once

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I don't mind waiting, Corrupted Kingdom's content is amazing and something that really peaks my interests, most updates take from months to maybe a year, besides the biggest fact is that this is a really good VN with a story, I didn't even expect something THAT STARTS IN THE NEXT ACT, then there's the thing that impacts the story depending on your option, AND IT'S ALL LITERALLY FREE, point is, even if it's delayed, I know for a fact this is definitely something worth the wait

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Not sure I said it at all, but one of my favorite parts of all this story, is the fact that CJ is SPECIFICALLY the son of Chad Thundercock and everyone is special to CJ with their bond, and the story is legit somehow perfection with this

I'd finish everything that there is currently, from start to finish, and I will keep doing that with maybe every big update, I still love it though and can't wait for more!

Haven't played yet, but it looks like a lot already that I wanna play right now

Hm, 1 problem, I'm a mac user, well this sucks, but if I do ever get a Windows computer, I'll try it out

I'll try it out

All i can do is just fall off the edge and stop myself from falling any further and the characters just dont chase you

interesting mechanics, but the discord don't work, and maybe the keys should change to fit the cameras aswell?

Interesting... also the username is likely changed

Extremely laggy, but looks cool

sucks this is an abandoned test, this looked pretty interesting

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Interesting test, if it had more players or maybe a player vs ai, this'd do nicely, a  bit confused on the name though? also lil buggy

(2 edits)

Thanks! that interests me a bunch, after all, I'm gonna keep myself on hold in playing this game for a while, it'll be fun to play with many different things than to just play it after an update releases, I'm so tempted to try out the act 2 gameplay mechanics though.

(4 edits)

So I was checking out on another game to see whether or not it still gets updates, but then when I scroll down I suddenly see 2 things from corrupted kingdom, 1 was Kana dancing, the other showed 5 characters on screen, but then I notice, there was one girl I didn't recognize, so I went into research on the Corrupted Kingdoms Wiki, and learned about the Unnamed wolf girl, and how it's got changed from a commision, said how you "Didn't want duplicate Fey "types" early on in the game" I took notice of it saying early on in the game and decided to ask, Does that mean you have plans for this Unnamed wolf girl in the future?