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A member registered Jun 03, 2021 · View creator page →

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Challenging, probably fun for speedrunners. The difficulty made it slightly frustrating for me though. I stranded at the second or third time inversion stage. I found the inversion interesting. A bigger or more in your face time indication, might help the player. To get some more sense of achievement, a different sound when you enter a new stage might be nice.

The colors are a bit murky and not very inviting to me. The gameplay is very smooth though and it seems as though you’ve put a lot of effort in the level design.

very nice, very addictive! It’s very simple but the levels are very well made. Some clever puzzles in there. I did find the third level (inthink; where the trampolines are introduced) a lot harder than all the other ones. Maybe that should be last the last... some sound would also add to the experience I think. Well done, I enjoyed it!

At the moment it works properly in Chrome, but on firefox it's slow (low frame rate). 

Hi Hollow, cool! I added you on discord.

If you've got a nice idea but need some (help with) music / sound design, let's see if we can create something cool together! I have some coding experience in C++ and Javascript - made a little node.js game - but my focus will be on creating the music and brainstorming about the game itself. In my music productions I often use varispeed (speeding up/down) to get different timbres. I made a tool to figure out how much I have to change the tempo in order to change the track to a specific musical interval:

The track Math Freq is based upon the relationship between tempo and frequency. The pitches of the main synth are the result of placing many pulses in specific intervals related to the tempo:

These techniques do not have to be the basis for the game, but it's more to show you in what ways I like to nerd about with audio :)

One example of a rhythmic game i like is 140. Especially for how well the music is integrated into the gameplay. If you care to know a bit more about me and my work you can check these out:

Feel free to contact me if you are interested or have further questions!