THE TRELLO UPDATED! THERE ARE GODS! (And their names are Lucy and [post prologue] Shino!)
Genuinely excited to see work being done. I have been anticipating Ch.1 since 2019 <3
Recent community posts
An amazing story even if you took out the adult content <3 10/10 have recomended.
My only gripe is making money, especaly late game, comes down to spamming fish, cutting wood for an hour straight,( NEVER SELL WOOD. OMG YOU NEED HUNDREDS, IF YOU ARE READING THIS DON'T SELL WOOD) or skipping to Evening infront of Yui's house for 70g a cycle.
I know next(?) Update will update Dianna's shop to buy items, but the last 2 hours of my playthrough was buying a few things, using them, going back to fish. Buying them again, using them, spam going through Yui's place till I had 500gold, and then spending it all. Then I get a "Rip, enjoy the next update" message and almost cried.
Seriously though, the story of this game is amazing, and I even cried at a point. I can not wait to play another 50 hours of this game <3
This has become my game of the year easy. I can't believe what you call a prologue is what most people would call a finished game. There is so much love and detail put into every character that you could take out every H scene and have a game still worth every praise I can give.
Every girl is best girl, everyone has layers and dimensions as characters, and everyone deserves every ounce of love they receive. There are points where you can hate a character and ask yourself "why would I continue this path? I guess I HAVE to progress the story." Only to turn around and cry when they get to redeem themselves.
I can't wait to see more, and I will be waiting to play the story again once the next update is out.
Thank you for all your work, it is beautiful.
P.s. are you looking into artists to change some of the copywrighten music tracks? I love your choice of Red Like Roses specifically, but I would hate for you to get in trouble for such a small part of the game.