You can retract the cable plug by looking for the option on the coffee maker end of the cable.
This working for all machines with cables.
Reputation bug - Treehouse days 4 and 5 - item spawns interpreted as gift (not just shrimp packs)
Can confirm the same bug (see earlier post) experienced on the second day of treehouse construction is occurring on day 4 and 5.
The game doesn't seem to differentiate between spawned items in the tree house and gifts from the player.
Spawn/Reputation bug - Treehouse days 2 and 4 - shrimp packs respawn on save and reload
After the shrimp packs have spawned and been consumed for rep points. If you save your game and reload that save the packs will spawn again.
This combined with the prior bug creates a rep farm, with the player potentially raising their rep unintentionally not just once but as many times as they save a reload on any of these days.
Reputation bug - Treehouse day 2 - shrimp pack spawns interpreted as gift
I've noticed that shortly after the second day's construction of the treehouse spawns, I get +20 (4 x 5) reputation.
I've confirmed this is caused by the shrimp packs that spawn with the treehouse's second construction stage.
These shrimp packs disappear after the reputation notifications display and taking the packs away prior affecting the quantity of notifications received.