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A member registered Mar 07, 2024 · View creator page →

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So did I but the game crashed. What's supposed to happen?

I just finished playing the linux version (awesome work btw) and I encountered a bug where the option to click on items was misplaced. For instance, I took me a while to turn off the alarm because to press option appeared all the way over on the door, I had to spin a couple times to find it.

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Thank you for your hard work. <3 This was so much fun!! I was actually anxious throughout the whole run. Skipped farming on day 2 the real money is in the fishing rod and selling sticks. If you're fast and run around the edges collecting sticks and fish you'll make more money in less time and you're far less likely to run into the dear. Also the clowns appear on the bottom of the map more often than the top.

I loved this so much!!! I'm dying for more Clarence, he is so sweet <3

This is perfect

Not for the faint of heart

I went into this game horny, but just came out pissed off and slightly nauseous. The dude was a delusional narcissist I couldn't even stomach it to the end. The art was lovely and so was the interface, but the ML was an actual monster too close to reality for my liking. I normally enjoy yandere stories, but often they're cartoonish, almost comically evil and that's fun because you can enjoy that assured that you're extremely unlikely to encounter someone like that in real life. This dude could 100% be an actual college professor and this has probably happened to hundreds of girls irl. It got too real and it ended up being extremely hard to get through so I just stopped. 

5 stars for the horror. This was actually more horrifying than if it simply had been the traditional goofy silly "stalker kidnaps you and locks you in his basement type yandere".

-5 stars for sexiness.  I wasn't in the mood anymore.

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A ver por un lado esta claro que tienes razon, pero igualmente me empeze a cagar de risa cuando le hiciste psycoanálisis.

Edit: El tipo era tan asqueroso ue ni pude terminar el juego.

XD AHHHHH I can't wait 

I wonder if you'll make a 3rd part?

So sweet! (if you ignore the yandere) I adore the fact that he's a florist. My only complaint is that I need more. <3

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not weird at all :'D

Short but had my heart nearly leaping out of my chest on that last scene. :'D

I loved it <3 Thank you so much for all the hard work 

I'm losing my shit I'm so excited to play >w<