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A member registered Mar 21, 2024

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(1 edit)

goblins, trolls, ogres, Centaur, minotaur, cyclops, werewolf, tree man, chimera to the game interesting details that I would find to have in the game and also that some creatures could impregnate her, such as Anubis, the spiders, wasp. Among other creatures 👍🏽

How is a person going to be able to face a slime that attacks first? And there's another thing, he has 195 health, he has an attack advantage and takes more than half of his life in a single attack.

Нажмите на область игнорирования, и все вернется в норму.

You'll have to get some specific Stones to fuse with her money bag, and the machine to make the fusion is in one of the houses in the city

I agree because I want to play this game and so far I can't download the apk

I wanted the Android version 😭

It would be nice if there was an Android version