the "keep your output above..." events are broken, and there's a few typos, i assume this game was translated into english? but anyway, "improved sheleding" should be "improved shielding", "rase reactor capacity" should be "raise reactor capacity", but a fun game
yeah, if you jump across building over a koopa's head, you can just drop a bomb and it detonates with contact on any enemy, it's cool to get a quad kill with one button
personally I really like the javelin, it does pretty good damage, just combine that with something like rust for poison damage and air to keep enemies away and it's a really good build
its cactus, which is flower plus axe, i pretty much 100% discovered the stuff in kraft & slash and its almost the exact same here, so yeah, figure out how to make axe and you're good
when you do a 360, it says air 180, but a 180 is when you start facing forward and end backward. but if you start forward, turn all the way around, and end forward, it only says 180.