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BlockHead Gaming

A member registered Oct 10, 2016 · View creator page →

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It's crazy to see the origional page taken down by Nintendo. But Hey, we'll never forget this as No Mario's Sky :)

Yeah, we had to play this game. It was just too unique to pass up.
Good stuff, fun concept. Like what you did with the room. TV could of been a little bigger though.

We played this game about things and it was pretty amazing! You can watch the playthrough here complete with voice acting. Give it a watch and can't wait to try out the other endings.

We played your game after seeing it on the Ludum Dare website and I am VERY blown away. This game rocks. May I suggest putting it up on the Apple or Google store.

Give it a download, It's very quick and fun. Also made a gameplay video if you care to watch / see it in action.

Interesting game / experience! We made a game play video of our experience. Thanks for the spooks!

Ok, now this was a strange one. One thing for sure is that it's good for a laugh.

We played your game. It sure was a weird one: