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A member registered Apr 05, 2018 · View creator page →

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yeah i wanna activate the checkpoints but its a game jam game, so i need till the rating end to update the game. 

I really waited for this question, cause i thought, that the plate, and their little Hitbox could be hard to get.
To finish the Minigame, you need to drag the White Plate under the other Dishes to the left, with them on top.
You can only Drag the Plate, not the Dishes on top, thats why you need to click right on the plate.
Little Tip: Grab it a little more right, and try to give the plate a 30 Degree clockwise rotation. Then just move the plate fast, but not too fast, to the left. This should keep the Cup on top, without doping it. (Hope this helps a bit)

I just saw the gameplay video, and was like...wait...someone took one of my favorite X-Men Scenes, and made a game out of it?...Man..i like u, and nice game btw :D

I like, that u finished it :) i wannted the game to have 2 Modes. A Story mode, and an Highscore endless mode. The Story mode should have an funny end with a little sequence. But it was a Game Jam, so i had not near enough time, for all the minigames i wanted, for the full story mode. If i find some time, i maybe will "Finish this damn Game" :D Ps: the music was not made by me

I thought the same, i hadn't the time to polish it enough, but i probably will change it, if i will work further on it. 

Thanks for the Feedback! The third level is the hardest to master, thats true. If Instructions were not clear, you need to use the white plate on the right to balance the dishes on its top, to bring them to the left side of the room, without droping them under the green line.