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A member registered May 24, 2021

Recent community posts

No anal? Big sad

I have a hunch this game was made with the modding support it has so the community can make its own content.

Holy shit its been a long time since ive looked at this project. I have to say you have come a LONG way and have done some very impressive work. I remember this game from when it first released and its totally different now. I can see the countless hours you've poured into this and the amount of effort put into this to make it the best it can be.

Keep up the good work, ill be keeping a closer eye on this project for sure.

I don't know

Remember how Perveloper stopped development on the game due to not wanting to be recognized or linked to the work they had done?

Don't dig, don't pry, don't annoy.

Just Enjoy.


Cute game for sure, needs some polish and some work! I assume you already know this and have a big list of things you want to add to the game as you get the time to develop this project further.

I cant help myself but find it hilarious with how the press on the assembly line just smooshes the androids into the box. "Awareness level extreme" *stares down the incoming hydrophilic press with unflinching resolve*

keep up the good work, ill be keeping an eye on this one after some more development has been worked into the game :)

Care to elaborate? Or provide other more specific feedback?

The orginal formula for this game comes from "Age of war" it was a super popular flash game back in the day. I think versions of it have been updated to modern softwares/technologies since flash has been discontinued. Battle cats is just the mobile spinoff/knock off of Age of war.

For your first commercial game, it's got charm to it. I checked out your patreon and found the pricing to be odd, in tandem with the minimum price to unlock the game. $8.88 to unlock the game on this platform, but your prices on Patreon are, $3.20/$6.20/$9.20 monthly.

With a pricing scheme like this I'm curious if this project will be regularly updated on as new versions release or if it's going to receive quarterly updates or any at all due to being on Patreon for a lower price.

I'm optimistic that you will be adding more content/polish to the existing game, in it's current state its missing certain elements to it that make it more appealing, such as a gallery, or way to interact with the H-scenes during the game.

In short,
You're doing a good job, just a couple of odd details that can be easily ironed out. You're potentially on your way to something good :)

This is probably a passion project folks, ya know, not in it for the money but just likes making whats here.

Great work, keep chipping away at the game Cella34

Always looking forward to your content. You're a true legend walking amongst mere mortals. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a very good game to play.

I'd speculate the strat here is to keep making new "Pure Onyx" pages as new editions of the game so you have to keep paying for the game as described by Popol. If they just update the version on a single page you can use use the "I already paid for this game" button. But seeing how the website registers this as a different game/page it doesnt flag it as so.

Where in the world do i get bright/light potion recipe


To my understanding once you've paid for it. You own it and all the updats that comes with it.

Are you keeping Itch updated with your Patreon or are you only working with Patreon at this point?

Once you beat it once, You can easily beat it again. Got it in 3 tries

Amazing voice acting work btw. Great character design! i wish there were cut scenes for in combat sex.

ive been having this same issue, not sure how to really increase it outside just constantly losing and using lewd actions. I feel its a bit to slow. Trying to unlock all the scenes is proving to be quite the task

Progress in the story through other people and you'll eventually unlock it. Go to barkeep for next mission

Are you going to use it as a way to expand the map upwards into a new zone?

That one is just two scorpions i think

Looks like this is a finished project and there is going to be no changes made. This had so much potential. I'm very disappointed.

where to get this said mirror

Any potential to have an option to "ask" the demoness to perform her other animations with you instead of defaulting to the first animation? After getting violet back I cant see to get her to do them.

Yea check the discord for all the up coming content. A lot of good ideas there.

Yea you're not kidding I just now started noticing that white bar under the enemies mana.

Ive also noticed that enemies will never cum or finish. Main character can be brought to orgasm but never any of the enemies. Is that intentional or will this be added in later

Im very impressed with the game you've made, the only thing i can complain about is how grindy it is to get the silver and gold chests. Even with the gold treasure charm at 100 it takes a while

Doesn't work, I can click new game but it doesn't allow me to click YES and when I click on a mode under survival mode, I cant draw my weapon and the zombies don't spawn. I can hear them moaning but their models don't render.

Currently it looks like its a "in progress" feature. Im very excited for i

Spot on

Im 100% on board for the 1st and 2nd one but I think invasions might stray to far from the original concept of the game. I'd love to see invasion heavily expanded upon and maybe even a breeding pit for really good guards.

Im genuinely excited for this game to develop, I seriously think you have something that can blow up here and be hyper successful if pulled off correctly. There wasnt a lot to play with in the Alpha, but its just that an Alpha. Im very excited for you to continue development and ill be keeping a very close eye on this one for sure!

I hope the invasion start to include multiple heros coming in as the game progresses!

A note i found is that you can exploit unlimited research points from one girl. Just endlessly spank her over and over until she has an orgasm and reap the 500 research point reward. This process can be repeated non stop, since the NPC will be stuck in the process of endlessly needing to "rest" after a spanking.

Hey Yukari, any updates on reaching support? I havent heard anything and i'm still without the full version. 

Any updates from support?

Thank you lmk when you hear back :

(2 edits)

I messed up my donating and send it as 2.00 then 8.00 but im still not able to download the full version. Can you please assist?