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A member registered Jan 17, 2019 · View creator page →

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Odd indeed, couldnt replicate in my testing, the only blocking of turning was the screen edge in full screen, which i didnt catch before either, so the bug list grows 

I have actually done small things every day since the bugfix, and do intend to post the game here or a link to show the vision i wanted, even if its just a single level proof of concept version :)

The mouse issue is a recurring one for either itch or webgl, and its only a few people, unsure what triggers it, but i have had people report the same issue now for the 3rd year.

Other feedback is cool, some bits i kinda knew but had no time, couple things i didnt even think of, tho i swear i made the collisions on the wall work lol

I would recommend it to mother in law!

this game desperately needs both a HI and LO score table :P

Ok, I'm gonna break my commenting rule, put gamepad controls in this and I could full on play for hours
A quick restart level button so save self-killing the rest of the lives would be nice

You will find that megascans cannot be used anywhere except unreal without a paid plan