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A member registered Jun 08, 2017 · View creator page →

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Really nice little experience, enjoyed the ending :)

Ah, I expected my expectations to be subverted by my expectations not being subverted, but those expectations were subverted by my expectations being subverted

Rian johnson / Neil Druckmann would be proud

thoughts and prayers, I hope it pulls through OK

And that's why that's not going to happen, because I'm expecting it

(2 edits)

This is a truly transcendent experience. I believe that in 20 years, historians will look back on Beanman's Desert Adventure as a pivotal moment in not just video game history, but all of human history. It provokes emotion in me that I didn't know I was capable of having, and I may never look at the world the same way again.

Super well polished, all the little gamefeel touches are probably my favorite thing about it. The mechanics are novel and fun even though they don't feel super deep. Was hard for me to remember which enemies were ouchie while I was playing, but that might be by design. Good job!

I actually had that fully implemented using arrow keys, but everyone who played it just shoved their shield 2 inches from the enemies' face and then the enemy immidiately shot themself. It basically turned it into a sword.